B&Q Trade Account

  • Thread starter Thread starter mrspoon
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i mainly want it so i dont have to fanny about queing up with all those sodding pensioners on a wednesday thanks to private trade tills and entrance/exit :D
I got one they ,charge you vat on it at end of month when bill comes in so you need to charge client this aswell .but found the prices are just as dear as local builders so i just use them now.
ye but got to buy 10 all the time to get the discount pain somtimes wickes pretty simlar but only have to buy 5
they have 2 cards tho dont they, ones a trade discount card, which i think you can just use anytime and pay cash, then theres the credit account where you pay 60 days later or something daft then get charged VAT etc... have i got this right ???
use a local building yard most of them will deliver free once u have built up a rappor with them and you are ordering a quantity of stuff off them you will get good discounts and will more than likely give u a credit account with them, just dont f**k them over they cant take the hit klike a big company can, they will be giving you the credit themselves not a finance company
I was gonna get 1 last week cos they ve got a deal on. De walt cordless drill and a 240v sds drill for £80
i'll setup an account with a building firm sooner or later, just need some work first...
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