attaching external angle beads

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Private Member
when attaching external angle beads..... do u lads measure the gap between your straight edge and the wall on both sides of the angle bead to make sure the gaps are the same on both sides of the wall. also are there any check's i should do to the beads before i start (apart from making them plumb)

also do u attach the beads before the scratch or after

also do u lads dub out the bellcasts. cheers
I just make sure they are plumb but if some thing is throwing it out i just go by eye making sure it looks right especially on reveals if window is out it can make the margin out, and i always fill out the bellcast leaving a couple of mm to finish as for string line you can if there is a load of windows with the same line but you can usually sort it out by eye always best working with some one else putting beads up then you can have them stand back and see if they are lining up.
i suppose if was going to dub the walls out, i would do that be for attaching the beads. then attach the beads scratch coat and top coat. cheers
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