All getting silly in my manor

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Had fun and games this week with another crew going out to get me work....wouldnt mind the crew in question i gave work to last year as i was swamped ..2 lovely domestic jobs ..probably 3 or so grands someone a favour and they try and bend you over.......cut a long story short builder in question is a mate....and price i gave was 100 under his..without my knowing as i gave quote nearly 2 month back,,then matey plasterer contactsmy mate builder boy and tells him that he should be using him whne he knows he uses me....mmmmnnnnn right :-\,builder says that the competitions price stands feck me i got the job and for 100 quid more...still got the arse with matey tho..last time i do him a favour.....all getting nasty, with so called friendly and and learn
Its always like that i called on a site the other week and spoke to 3 or 4 fixer/plasterers and asked for there bosses number "i dont know it" lol got it off another guy and you guessed number doesnt exist......w**k*r.
it,s kick b*ll*ck and bite time ;D going out tomorrow calling on any site i see, going to put my polis accent on, me think workit vedy good yes! i can dooz zat boss me very good spreeder boss very cheep boss me work 40 hors a day boss, no seriously got to have look around thou got to get something, get jack shite on the rock n roll.
same here mate ive worked for the same bloke for the last 6 years .......i learnt with him so i havent got a fookin clue.............heloooooo err about your job one was most interested in ....... ;D
Had a call from a mate last night, metal stoothing job he doesn't fancy doing, passed it on to me (although he did suggest I might cross his palm with silver if it goes well!)
On the news yesterday, it was announced that Britain is officially in recession got to hand it them there on the ball them boys.
church said:
On the news yesterday, it was announced that Britain is officially in recession got to hand it them there on the ball them boys.

yeah there pretty switched on......ha ha
TrowelADDICT said:
church said:
On the news yesterday, it was announced that Britain is officially in recession got to hand it them there on the ball them boys.

yeah there pretty switched on......ha ha
Well at least the credit crunch is over, now its just a bit worse
Credit Crunch? What Credit Crunch? Ive even resorted to "trading favours", Make of that what you will!!!!
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