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morning lads i just spoke to someone bout angency work (see pulic looking for plasters whitby) idont no bout use lot but i i think agencies suck i used to do bits and pieces for them when i left school and when i was still learning my trade and 80 of the time theyd rip me off or tell me they have to take their cut out of my wages i just see them as leeches maybe i have had bad exp any comments or stories ?
mate, theres loads of spreads at the minute that would jump for a quick 11 pound an hour job for a few weeks until something better comes in so dont knock it...
we need more of this kinf of thing.. genuine offers, not some idiot offering it out at 6 quid an hour...
11 quid an hour is over 400 quid a week, when youre on your arse that will pay a mortgage, feed the kids and still leave a bit left over for a few beers..
besides, no-one works like a dog for 11 quid, people expect that but a reasonable days work for a reasonable days wedge is ok surely? 2 smallish little sets and an hour for lunch?
or think of it like this, you turn up and are getting paid from the moment you land, if theres a f'ck up and its not yours you still get paid...
maybe ur right but 11 per hour before tax and then u pay ur own deisal and then ur food etc u would come out less than 400 and u know that they made acouple of hundred off yer back its not the money that annoys its its the system the main employer whos paying the 15 16 per hour gives it to the agency and they give 10 11 when the main employer if they didnt have the option of the agency would be forced to advertise the job thus job would b filled every 1 happy worker gets better doe every ones wages start goin up.other agencies will come on here and look at 11 phr and go ah iwill do the same or try 10 pound im not saying its a bad thing someone is advertising work on here but let it b the pulic or companies instead of it turning into an agencys window im not trying to offend anyone its just im pissed of that plastering isnt being treated like a skilled trade anymore
the agency have to make something or theyre basically a charity... there can be a lot of hassle involved with advertising a job, then having 250 complete numpities turn up going on about the plastering course theyve just been on... or better still, 25 phone calls (when youve just specified the quals) and not one of them has the required certification.. not to mention not being able to read the advert! Ive been there mate, the agency just cuts all that out, its a 2 way service and they take their cut, you can take it or leave it but please try not to frighten them off because ill bet theres plenty that will gladly take it... and its for the benefit of the forum on general..
and on the subject of the benefit of the forum...
if agencies from all over the country cottoned on to the fact that theres skilled workers to be had a click away on a forum we'd be massive, with our own little job resource... i think its a shame it hasnt happened before... I think anything that brings people to the site is beneficial...

just my opinion like but ive worked for agencies before and have been glad of the extra cash cos it beat jeremy kyle hands down.. ;D and it stops you getting lethargic and bitter..... ill bet there are people who go to the gym and pay silly membership fees yet turn work down cos it aint 30 quid an hour....
its swings and roundabouts with em, i worked for a few and done a good job so the companys phoned me direct instead of going through the agency again, they pay you more or less what they was paying the agency and you dont need to pay nowt to a payroll company.

then if you are working and they ring you up offering work and you turn it down cos your busy they get all arsey with you they think they own you. but drop you at a hat when they got nowt
i love a bit of agency work when theres nothing else on it usually turn up at 8 put a shitty spread on have an hour for dinner put a another shitty spread on and go home thank you very much easy money
You can bet your bottom dollar that what ever they are offering you - they will be making at least the same. At the end of the day Joe Bloggs Builder is only going to pay £X/day or £X/m sq - so the best you can hope for is half the normal rate. Use them and abuse them (in the nicest possible professional way) - cos 9/10 that's what they do to you.
i judt think that £10p/h = £90 per day is s**t for the labour involved. a decent builders labour gets £100 p/d. plastering is a skilled trade. do u see a spark or plumber or chippy working for that?
my bro is a labourer and he gets 10 an hour driving little dumpers an filling skips and 2 years ago he was on the same money as me working on yhe moterways shoveling concrete ??? and your right chippy and sparks wouldent work 4 the money were accepting
nick0412 said:
i judt think that £10p/h = £90 per day is (german word) for the labour involved. a decent builders labour gets £100 p/d. plastering is a skilled trade. do u see a spark or plumber or chippy working for that?

most sparks/plumbers whatever who are on the books are on around 10-12/hr there isnt usually alot of labour intesive work when doing agency stuff as its generally patching so if someone is going to provide me with a bit of easy work when things are quiet on the price work ill take there hands off as even 300 after tax an expenses is better than nothing watching the telly
you can look at agencies in 2 ways, its all about making money. they are good for short term work and also good for building up contacts i worked for an agency for 1 month then got took on as a subby for 18 months, if the agency knew that i carried on working for the company they would have fined them £2500 for breaching contract (its in the small print).

Its good for companies as its quick, easy and disposable labour. it is expensive for companies but the perks overcome the negatives. the bad side of them is you get any jack of all going from 1 agency to another blaggin the work making it harder for good, honest tradesmen with no quals to get on.

I also agree that they charge way too much and pay too little if your on £12.50 the agency will be charging about £18
the agencies are just businesspeople, and im not the biggest fan of "businesspeople" but if im honest thats because im too soft and crap at it..
but its all about making money, they barter with the contractor for more money and then offer the work out as cheaply as they can get away with...
if they get away with it and the spread does a decent job then theyre successful, if not they get themselves a bad rep...
its life....
I worked for dutch agents in the 80's in germany they were T***s... carried guns and were basically thugs in the early years... one trick they had was to pay you on a monday 1 week then tuesday the next then wednesday etc so after 5 weeks they had stolen a weeks wages for some of the lads... not me though... we just ended up using the f***ers to find the work then have a word with main contractor who paid them for 1 week then we went direct... all i can say is they served their purpose for me at the time... and im sure they made a fortune... nowadays employers cant be ar*ed sorting out paperwork like cscs, utr number verification blah blah so agencies still provide a good service and do deserve to be paid... how much they take is a different matter as most of them will charge between £18 - £20 per hour and pay £12.00 30% - 33% not bad if you have 100 men on the books = £32,000.00 per week 100 men £8.00 per hour = £800.00 x 40 hours = £32.000.00 i think im in the wrong game now ive done the maths.... think i will set a new company up
sright mate.. ex mate of mine used to be set up as an 'emloyment agency'..
all that meant was he had a labour contract with a packing warehouse (these places have a high turnover of staff and employ muppets who find it difficult to get out of bed in a morning)...
he had a transit minibus, got up, went and picked em all up (having to knock a few out of bed) dropped em off and went back at 5 and dropped em all home again...
paid em all minimum wage but charged £8 an hour for em...
basically saved the company having to arse about getting a workforce to turn up every day...
he was otherwise known as a ganger....
the company had several 'gangers' and eventually he lost the contract cos he had trouble gettin em in to work...
now, was this a) cos he wasnt paying em £8 an hour or b) they were all just unambitious drunken muppets in the first place?
when he first kicked off he had no trouble at all gettin em into work, this was because they were mostly foreign immigrants and he didnt have to have a psv licence to carry more than 8 people, he had a 12 seater...
then the government put a bit of a stop to the illegal immigrant thing and made him either get a psv or change to an 8 seater which meant 2 trips, meaning the first lot had to be up an hour earlier (yeh right!)..
at the end of the day the company were happy to pay £8 an hour for a guaranteed amount of people per day as per contract... they wouldnt be happy to pay £8 for every single unreliable muppet they took on the books full time for obvious reasons...
one thing that pisses me off about agency work is the majority of them want to pay you through an umbrella company if you want to work cis or they will offer you less per hour if you want to work paye either way they stuff you
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