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pics of you and team all clean and shiny
pics of smart van and equipment
testimony from mrs jones saying how clean tidy quick smart and lovely you all were
If you need any pics of someone going through the knicker drawer or messing about with the discovered bedroom toys I can let you have some of them too until the clients show you some of your own.:sisi:
I would increase the squared in DH PLASTERING bit and lose the red squeegy handle below it and put a plasterers trowel next to boxed in name.
Looks like estate agents sign !!!
Or is it just me???
Just initial thing that hits me apart from my mrs.
Also perhaps stating you provide a prompt efficient service rather than responding quickly as you generally only hear those terms used in reference to emergency services .
They may picture group of guys screaming up in vans dashing in their house throwing plaster about. :sorprendido3: