6in wetting in brush

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i used a brush for years and sometimes it can be a little messy,but with a bottle you can control the amount that goes on the wall its great for akward corners,and a lot cheaper than a brush,i use any flash cleaning bottle the wife puts for the bin.
i use a 6inch brush cost me 15 quid then tried a spray bottle used ot for 2 weeks and it broke cost me 3 quid so think its back to brush for me. and at least with a brush you can keep your trowel clean when cutting in.
Have used bottle for over twenty years now wont ever go back to a brush .the water is always clean and not in a bucket .I use discarded joiners wood glue bottles THEIR FREE.Well prices are tight.
i tryed this spray bottle carry on today lol what a joke, spreads managed for hundreds o years with brushes, done a 40 m2 ceiling and a brush was a must, bloody walking along battens spraying the ceiling took 10 times longer than a run along with 7" brush. dont no what the world coming too.
tried a sprayer but didnt get on with it, decent 4" brush from b and q, bristles stay soft doesnt drip much. oh and i'm a brusher spunky before you ask, used to be a flicker but got sick of covering half the ******* windows every time i flicked
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