Looking for plasterer in Glasgow area.

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Hi i stay in an old semi detached house,and some of the skimmed plaster work i got done a few years ago,a section of it came loose and fell off with the gutter leaking into it, through time,gutter has been fixed now,i got a plasterer a couple of month ago to match in the bit of plaster work so that it would look the same as the rest,but it looks completely rubbish a mess,was wondering if this section could be taken away and done properly so that it blends in with the rest of the building,would appreciate if any plasterer in the Glasgow area could fix this for me.


Any pics swizz?

Here you go mate just took with my mobile,the newly painted section was done with the plaster i got,looks a lot worse than it does in the picture,but as you see it is different finish from the rest of the wall and all lumpy not smooth round the edges,just not smooth enough,It's too thick,would probably need taken out and redone again.
hope they didnt charge you much if anything at all

He sure did charge mate,but I'm too embarrassed to tell you how much,all i can say is we were well robbed and we got him from a site called mybuilders,so thought he would of been okay,how wrong was i.

Thanks everyone i have DR plastering coming out tomorrow to have a look,great help from everyone cheers.

Best thing is to chip back a bit and finish with silver sand and cement, sbr it first,,simple enough job to do, first guy needs kick up the ass whatever he does for a living
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