Cost of multi

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I usually get the bulk of my multi n hardwall etc from wickes,getting say 10 bags or so a time.this obviously takes advantage of their multi buy savings.bought it today from a local merchants and paid 6.40ish per bag,that's approx 2quid a bag more than wickes!where do yo get yours and what's the best price you get,and what's the most you ever paid for a bag.
i use wickes aswell as thier the best i can find round here the most ive paid is about a tenner i think but that was in clapham and i diddnt care cos i was getting the money straight bk wen i got back to the job
are you taking the pisss? how many do you have to buy to get that price? i havent been for years because they are a complete rip off
no wickes are good round here bout 4 ish a bag but the fella i was working for seriously underestimated the amount of plaster we needed and asked me to go out to travis to get some more and i bought 7 bags and couple of beads and it came to £90
i was on about JEWsons
not been to travis for ages either always found them expensive too
I asked at my local builders merchants if they could match the price of multi at wickes, and they said no, it's a loss leader. It gets us into their shite stores so we buy other stuff off them too. Same for the supermarkets with booze.
remember when it was about £2 a bag they went on strike an people were stealing plaster from outside houses an jobs!yes used to be stored outside sometimes!!lol
wickes all the time ,cant beat them for price certainly no merchant in carlisle,they must sell some plaster nationwide, for its straight in no messing about i can see the price always includin vat,load up and out no waiting at trade counter then going to see somebody in yard wasting time ,get the wickes card every 3 month or so they send your points thru and it is always a bit more discount it all helps.
I asked at my local builders merchants if they could match the price of multi at wickes, and they said no, it's a loss leader. It gets us into their shite stores so we buy other stuff off them too. Same for the supermarkets with booze.

Not a chance its a loss leader, they will have atleast a 30% mark up on it
trying to organise deliveries for my next job, rang round a few places getting quotes from 850-1000, just for the boards and celotex, rang up wickes thier price 600 without me even trying to barter them down abit, delivered the next day and they will give me a time to be there by, everyone else said ohhh not sure what day itll be and itll be there when its there.
ya cant wack wickes:RpS_thumbsup:
we use to deal with Selco in my plastering days, they were tough to beat on price and deliveries were always bang on time.
wickes delivery is excellent. order online, and then they call you and tell you what time theyll be. cant beat that. merchantsdont even turn up half the time
this is what im on about i usually buy my stuff from wickes but if i forgot or cuddnt be arsed ill just go local merchants theres 3 round the corner from me, i gve all these 3 a call for a price and delivery time and they were ridiculous even trying to play eachother off wernt working.
gave wickes a call "certainly sir £600 and itll be there next day and ill ring you to let you know what time" cushtey cnt argue with that:RpS_thumbsup:
Get all my stuff from Magnets as its cheapest in town but has gone up recently from £3.41 a bag (multi and board) to £4.40, both plus VAT. I questioned the huge hike and the manager showed me the computer screen where it shows up as making half a percent loss for them even at that price. Nobody else round here can match that price
thats a point magnets are good we use them if were working up town or buttles occasionaly
I get mine from Selco cheapest I've found think its still under a fiver a bag including.
Usually B&Q but check on eBay for big jobs, got a full pallet of hardwall a few weeks ago £21 with about a month left on the sell by date. Cost me about £20 in diesel to go and pick it up but I'm happy with the savings I made
Price was set up for a contract i had about a year ago, but all bills since have been for that rate! I'm not complaining though.
Job was about 1700m2 over 4-5 mths due to build stoppages etc, if it had been continuous, i could have made a fortune.

It probably cost more in fuel doing repeat visits every other week than the cost of the hardwall!
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