

New Member
Does anyone know if you can monocouche over monocouche? Really bad job that needs doing again.
Unfortunately no renderer visited your home …

show a pic @ evening with up/down light switched on .

It can be fixed but you need to deal with a a real pro …..I’d be taking the lot off personally
Does anyone know if you can monocouche over monocouche? Really bad job that needs doing again. View attachment 75914

In short - yes you can.

But by the looks of that, (not sure where to begin....... )

I can't understand where they began to go wrong, and because it is such a s**t show, you definitely can't be sure that the prep was done correctly and whether it'd hold another layer/coat. Also coupled with them 'f**k of' bulges at scaffold lift heights (that'd need dressing down to prep at the very least.)

To be sure, and not throw any more money away - ALL OFF AND GO AGAIN.
Rip it off and start again. Different set of lads this time tho. The other lot need to put the armbands back on. We'll out of their depth.
Rip it off and start again. Different set of lads this time tho. The other lot need to put the armbands back on. We'll out of their depth. I wouldn't go over it just because they clearly had no idea what they were doing; so I doubt the substrate has been correctly prepped.