Silicone render looks terrible especially at night


New Member
We have just had the front of our house silicone rendered and I questioned the builders as in daylight there seems a few shades. But when we out on the outside lights it revealed lumps and bumps all over it! Is this normal and is there any way of fixing the issues?? I've attached a few photos.
Silicone render looks terrible especially at night
Silicone render looks terrible especially at night
Silicone render looks terrible especially at night
Says a lot about your rendering if a customer can’t have out side lights lol
That is not my point albeit it true lol
your soffits are barely big enough to fit a spot light in and it all looks like a crammed in budget after thought job unlike those pics of fashionable grey fascia & soffits with decent overhang well thought out professional house build
Thanks for all your replies guys. I agree the soffits were poorly designed. We had nightmares with our builders. Sounded good to start and then extras after extras and then cutting corners.
The renderer was separate and we thought he did a good clean job initially. I did point out a a few darker shadings and I suggesting it may need another coat of silicone, but he said that's just the way it is! It doesn't look too awful until you turn the lights on, then nightmare on Elm St!
The thing is why the heck is it like that in the first place? And...What did he do wrong??
The product was by a Polish company called Atlas. The renderer was also Polish!!
A good render doesn’t worry about light
Looks banging that mate. What’s your technique? We’ve done a massive k rends now. We get them very nice but certain times of the day with some cross sun it shows a few shadows. Nothing absolutely major just want to eliminate them completely like yours
Looks banging that mate. What’s your technique? We’ve done a massive k rends now. We get them very nice but certain times of the day with some cross sun it shows a few shadows. Nothing absolutely major just want to eliminate them completely like yours
Just use a straight edge tbh lol , thanks for the kind words mate , we use a 5ft straight edge , I don’t get it when people use a 2ft one ? Maybe because I’m old school, each to their own I guess
Thanks for all your replies. I'm out of my depth as haven't a clue. I just hoped that the renderer knew what he was doing. I want to pay but obviously if the job gets finished correctly...if that is even still possible!!
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We have just had the front of our house silicone rendered and I questioned the builders as in daylight there seems a few shades. But when we out on the outside lights it revealed lumps and bumps all over it! Is this normal and is there any way of fixing the issues?? I've attached a few photos.
StevenView attachment 70970View attachment 70971View attachment 70972
Looks bad but lights at the wrong angle will change the look of anyone's work even the self proclaimed best in the world
I just hoped that the renderer knew what he was doing. I want to pay but obviously if the job gets finished correctly...if that is even still possible!!