Do you love plastering

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love hate relationship with it. Its provided for me and my family. Some days its terrible others great. Thinks its kept me out of trouble to haha
I love plastering 30 years on. Certain people may spoil that at times but a big machete and chainsaw help to swing favour
Eighty five per cent of people are unhappy with their work. If you don't like it, change it. Don' t waste any more time. Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money but you can't get more time.
I'm signed off sick at the moment and I must say I'm really missing work and that sense of achievement after a productive day although I did see bargain hunt today!
I don't mind it

I do still love plastering well most of the time, just not when u get an awkward customer. Good job the nice customers balance that out especially when u see their faces when u put a room or 2 back together again! :coffe:
Eighty five per cent of people are unhappy with their work. If you don't like it, change it. Don' t waste any more time. Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money but you can't get more time.
You could get more time by living longer (y):asadito:
You could get more time by living longer (y):asadito:

You can't buy time, you can't ask for more time, you can't grow time, we all have a set amount of time. Some have more time than others. Time is the most valuable resource, much more so than money. On our deathbeds the only thing we'll wish we had more of is time. Yet people waste their time watching Mrs Brown's Boys etc. Time is all we have.
You can't buy time, you can't ask for more time, you can't grow time, we all have a set amount of time. Some have more time than others. Time is the most valuable resource, much more so than money. On our deathbeds the only thing we'll wish we had more of is time. Yet people waste their time watching Mrs Brown's Boys etc. Time is all we have.
Very new but so far have lots more good days than bad
Love it and hate it, for 22 years, hate drywall taping, love doing custom Venetian, hate rasping EIFS love spreading acrylic stucco, custom work for customers who let you take your time, hate simple work that they want you to hurry and want it cheap.....but body hates it now few more years pay my way through school and will be done.
Loved it, hated it,...liked it, loved it again, hated it, still kept at it, then really hated it then liked it a bit, then thought about liking it more then met another t**t who told me that he could "do plastering", and that he would have set about the job himself but didn't have the time.......I said "guess what, neither do I"......spose it's the customers I dislike more than the actual plastering.....but then there's mixing...don't get me started.
I agree about the customers. I've had two like that over the last week or two. First bloke I felt like I was on Dragons Den. For some pissant hall ceiling. You've gotta laugh. Second was a whole house. Empty. Just purchased. Gloss paint on all the walls. Not silk or eggshell but gloss. Both said they'd think about it. When they got back to me I was too busy. Anyway, what I was going to say is what you do is not who you are.