Pozzolan GGBS


New Member
Good Evening,

Could someone enlighten me, what is Pozzolan GGBS and should it be used or not used in Lime Plaster?

I am getting confusing information.

Thanks so much, Joe
Oh dear I was worried you would say that it’s been used internally. What are the problems caused using it? If any?
Oh dear I was worried you would say that it’s been used internally. What are the problems caused using it? If any?
the only prob would show within a couple of weeks cracks etc if u not got them now don't worry lime is a bit of a nightmare but if it goes w rong just use filler hot lime is something else
Yeh it’s just gone on and showing cracks but was told to flat them back with a float as they appear and as it dries. I read Pozzolan GGBS is cement based and would completely ruin the breathability of the lime? Is that correct?
Yeh it’s just gone on and showing cracks but was told to flat them back with a float as they appear and as it dries. I read Pozzolan GGBS is cement based and would completely ruin the breathability of the lime? Is that correct?
don't recognise it but keep away from cement based stuff however is giving your info is bang on
I have tried to avoid cement based stuff completely and it’s taken some doing. Although this GGBS stuff is a curve ball. I just hope it’s not f***ed my lime plaster up the way I didn’t want it too.
I have tried to avoid cement based stuff completely and it’s taken some doing. Although this GGBS stuff is a curve ball. I just hope it’s not f***ed my lime plaster up the way I didn’t want it too.
no as I say don't now the stuff but cement would stop breathability
The two words do not belong together technically.GGBS is not pozzolan ,it’s hydraulic material with cementitious content . Pozzolan contains silica and alumina .
And yes , you f**k*d up the lime.The only benefit using ground granulated blast furnice slag is the low reaction with salts.
I did that, said it was similar to a fly ash and that it added to the hydraulicness of the lime. It contains copper and magnesium I think he said.
I did that, said it was similar to a fly ash and that it added to the hydraulicness of the lime. It contains copper and magnesium I think he said.
Did he not told you what it does to the porosity and breathabilty of the lime ?
I didn’t do it, I bought the material from a company, and they had plasterers who did the job. But they used 0.4m3 of a lightweight insulating lime plaster, and they look like they’ve used a third of a 25kg bag of pozzolan. I think they were putting a couple of cup fulls in each mix.