Plaster Mixer what size??

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My old faithful mixing drill has died on me. So its time for a new one. Now i know the Refina Mega Mixer has been discussed lots on here, and seems to be the brand to go with. But what size would people recommend?, MM21 or MM30? I'm a bathroom fitter, and do all my own plastering, but i'm not doing it everyday. Im only really knocking up skim, board addy and bonding. I occasionally take on some plastering jobs for friends in the trade when whey need a hand. Basically is the MM30 worth the extra £100 or will it be wasted on me?
Yes for that the mm 21 will be great,the bigger one will do larger mixes say 3 bags of skim,bonding,render etc:RpS_thumbup:
the mm30 would be wasted on you mate, its not like your knocking up 20 bags of hardwall and 6 multi every day,, the mm21 is plenty good enough for you,, your right they are great drills and will last you years, i have they bigger one and my mate has the mm21,, both can do the job
Only thing ive ever had go wrong with a megamixer is brushes and thats expected after a lot of use and a doddle to change yourelf go for it fella best money you can spend on our tools and make its money back in no time:RpS_thumbsup:
mm 19 would be ideal for you that what i use on domestics ,just when im skimming its 240 so no carting me tranny up and down the stairs, use mm30 for bigger jobs.. mm19 1000w £ 179 nice and light
Thanks for all the comments so far. The MM21 looks like its the way to go. Bob spread has thrown a spanner in the works. I had never considered the MM19 before. The MM19 is £60 cheaper then the MM21. £235 or £175. Im not overly worried about saving £60 to be honest. just don't want to end up wishing i had spent a bit more.
Thanks for all the comments so far. The MM21 looks like its the way to go. Bob spread has thrown a spanner in the works. I had never considered the MM19 before. The MM19 is £60 cheaper then the MM21. £235 or £175. Im not overly worried about saving £60 to be honest. just don't want to end up wishing i had spent a bit more.

these drills will last for many years to come so it may not be a bad shout getting mm19, dont think you need the mm21, Ive had both 19 and 21 in the past, great tools
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I have the MM19.. perfect for you mate, will knock 2 bags up easy enough, why would you want to mix anymore at one go ?? and its a bit cheaper...
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