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no mate, best place is called plasterers they give you 5 free leads and when they run out just re-register

hehehehe ;D is No good !!!! waste of money in my opinion,i actuaqlly phoned to complain to them recently about the lack of enquirys i had receievd from my £600 in adds and all they were willing to do was try to sell me an upgrade package and trying to convince me that works for 10,000's of other customers.
Well it doesnt work for me.All advertising is a gamble mate,and with all the advertising i do and always have done ive noticed enquirys are down massively on previous years.
To be honest i find im spending more on advertising than ever and working for less money also,but u just gotta ride it out for a few more years then things will be back on track.
Hey bkh thats another story pal.
Also lots of other compnays get ur number from them trying to sell u advertising and other c r a p.
Aparently i had 111 hits last month, my break down of that is 20 hits from me checking the adds are live and doing alterations to it 70 from other advertising companies scouting for business 20 hits from comepeting spreads looking at my site and hit from a customer that never got in contact with me.
Yell is s h i t e
Same old story mate im afraid.The book used to work brilliant years ago and you could guarantee youd get 10-20 fold on ur investment,but now theres the net which as pretty much killed off the book,also the book has a bad reputation for cowboys or so ive been told many times by customers.
But then u here of success storys from both and the book,its a gamble,a lottery!!!
Had a few calls off it which more than paid for the costs, I have a website though and a good one at that, and because they are searching for a plasterer on the internet means they want one with a webby.

If you have a webby then yes its worth it.
You've got to try and see for yourself. Say you spent £400 on an ad, any ad. If one person uses you from that advert and passes your name around then in my book the ad pays for itself. Hope that made sence.
I have a website a good one and not had as much as a quote from it in 5 months.And only half a dozen clcik throughs to my site from it a month.
I got over 600 hits from one of my sites last month alone and i have 2. Im glad i dont have to rely on as my sole advertising.
But im glad it works for you mate,touch wood it will keep coming in for you.
Now ...go look on for plasterers in leicester the add that sticks out will be mine as its the only one with photos . the title for it is J B Propertycare.
Im not bigging myself up in anyway,but to me my add stands out from the others but still get zilch from
kirk johnstone said:
no mate, best place is called plasterers they give you 5 free leads and when they run out just re-register

hehehehe ;D

Whats the web address for that
skimmin2day said:
I have a website a good one and not had as much as a quote from it in 5 months.And only half a dozen clcik throughs to my site from it a month.
I got over 600 hits from one of my sites last month alone and i have 2. Im glad i dont have to rely on as my sole advertising.
But im glad it works for you mate,touch wood it will keep coming in for you.
Now ...go look on for plasterers in leicester the add that sticks out will be mine as its the only one with photos . the title for it is J B Propertycare.
Im not bigging myself up in anyway,but to me my add stands out from the others but still get zilch from

You have got to get on the front page of google mate. I have got top spot for 3 of the search criteria I want.

It takes time and effort, but pays off in the long run.
I am mate.My websites are both on front page of google for many different keywords acros sevral trades, painter in leicester no1 in business listing 3rd in normal listing,Plasterer in leicester my websites are both on first page and im listed on all directorys on the first page also,tilier the same,handyman the same, Ive done loads on the net to get my sites there, i get a lot of work from my own sites,the rest really comes from word of mouth from customers ive worked for years with.
my sites are and
Know what you mean about companies scouting for work "scimm" had a lot of these calls .I dont aswer them anymore ,used to politely tell them i wasnt interested but had a couple put the phone down on ME while i was talkin >:( >:( >:( tossers.
Ive had the local police "apparently" ring me 4 times today to advertise on there new calender.
I asked where they got my number from ,they replied at which point i told them very politely to f**k off !!!
skimmin2day said:
Ive had the local police "apparently" ring me 4 times today to advertise on there new calender.
I asked where they got my number from ,they replied at which point i told them very politely to (french word) off !!!

Yep had them too, I allways know when it comes from yell as I have a certain name on there that bags 1st place.

Best one I had was a local golf club wanted to run an advertiseing campaing looping on the plasma in the club house for 2 years.

I said everyone hates adverts after about 5 plays, if I was on there for two years people would be phoneing me with death threats.

She was a bit taken aback by this, as she suddenly realised I was right and their entire concept was flawed, good inone way but fatally flawed.
been on that site before mate got nothing from them,but thanks anyhow Kirk.

Last week i had the police as usual daily,about 10 firms selling google reseller or adwords,childrens books 3 times,fire brigade,a company offering to sell me mugs and key rings ,thomson local i think 4 times,and ever since i phoned to complain to theve rang me every day trying to sell me more of there s h i t and the junk mail through the post just keeps coming too !!!
i give up honestly.
skimmin2day said:
been on that site before mate got nothing from them,but thanks anyhow Kirk.

Last week i had the police as usual daily,about 10 firms selling google reseller or adwords,childrens books 3 times,fire brigade,a company offering to sell me mugs and key rings ,thomson local i think 4 times,and ever since i phoned to complain to theve rang me every day trying to sell me more of there (german word) and the junk mail through the post just keeps coming too !!!
i give up honestly.

are you sure its the right site mate because i have had loads off them
Ive bben monitoring yell about plasterers last week they had 16 000, this week its down to 11 'n odd.
Out of that 11,000 most of them are either other spreads checking there adss aswell as competitors,then theres the advertising companys scouting for new people.and very few general public genuienly looking for a plasterer.
dont think ill bother with,,,,, cheers for the input lads.
ill just have to go fishing instead... lol
skimmin2day said:
Out of that 11,000 most of them are either other spreads checking there adss aswell as competitors,then theres the advertising companys scouting for new people.and very few general public genuienly looking for a plasterer.

Didnt make myself clear there.

There was 16 000 plasterers advertiseing on there, now there is only 11 000.

Thats a big @rsed drop in one week.
steve cov said:
its good for your mrs, but i'm worried you've got a stiffy whilst on here...

ex mrs and she dont care bout the srerious issues in plastering. Im bollixed, me new bird dont see the funny side :P
my missus is 8 month gone and ready to drop and doesnt want me near her,so its the old five finger shuffle for me,thank god im not using s/c at the minute lol.
tell me about it mate, my bird is 9 weeks at the minute and wont let me within 10 yrds of her. then again i avnt been near her for about 10 wks!!!!! shud i be worried???? ha ha
Its hard being a man mate...the things we go through hey????
Id try to stick it in her mouth but shes always filling it with chocy or craving food,id even give er ass a go but the pregancy as gave her piles so i think not.So its the old 5 finger jobby for me.
good luck with the baby pal.
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