worst since 1991

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New Member
not seen things this bad for a long time pretty bad when plasterers are sitting on the net and expected to get by on jobseekers doesn`t cover an afternoon in pub never mind the bookies
it is gettin lucky like tunrin up on site when they need a gang my main problem is since day one ive only ever worked for 3 dry lining firms so dont have that many numbers i was subbing for my first firm for 7yrs and never out of work now i can tread the streets and go to numerous sites and not get anything it doesnt help wen most lads are reluctant to give u the gaffers number like
believe you me even the best spreads can be out of work in 1991 i was working for 40 quid a day a 100 spreads turned up for the jobs going and daywork then was 70 a day and it was 7 to 5 o'clock
grand wizard said:
believe you me even the best spreads can be out of work in 1991 i was working for 40 quid a day a 100 spreads turned up for the jobs going and daywork then was 70 a day and it was 7 to 5 o'clock
40 a day was average then grand eh? remember lookin at job in leics , bloke wanted it done in a fortnight , me and me m8 went an had look, reckoned we could just bout do it so we asked him price, £600 :o
40 a day was taking the piss you had to do a day to find out the price aswell they knew everyone was desperate
reckon its gonna get like it this year , got two fellows driving on site round our way offering to work for 80 a day, good spreads too!
The problem is ive been pricing lots of work at the moment and T***s are pricing it so so so low that its making everybody drop their prices.

I dont see electricians and plumbers working for nothing it gives me the shits that i am having to compete against complete useless cocks but they are getting the work cause they'll do it for next to nothing.
I have no respect for a spread who lives out the back of his van,looks like worzul gummage and does a s**t job but thats what im having to price against .....
Rich b
it will pick up my brothers a bricky contractor www.premier brickwork he's got tender's a metre high in his office its just winning the work they all want it cheap now and no daywork signed if theres problems
your right it will pick up ,in the meantime we gotta put up wif s**t prices, firms r down to bout £3.30 supply & fix on skim only, how can small firms compete wif that , cant winge tho ad it good for a long time now!
richardbrown said:
The problem is ive been pricing lots of work at the moment and T***s are pricing it so so so low that its making everybody drop their prices.

I dont see electricians and plumbers working for nothing it gives me the shits that i am having to compete against complete useless cocks but they are getting the work cause they'll do it for next to nothing.
I have no respect for a spread who lives out the back of his van,looks like worzul gummage and does a S*** job but thats what im having to price against .....
Rich b
reason you dont see electricians and plumbers dropping prices is cos they need a proper qualification to carry out domestic work.. nic/eic registered and corgi registered..
and there just isnt that many of em..
plasterers on the other hand have become 10 a penny..
and because its not just plasterers that are feeling the pinch, its the general public too nobody wants to spend more than they can comfortably afford..
i'm prepared to work for less, just means working harder for the same money as last year, doesnt mean i have to compromise my work ethic..
i would have been prepared to stay in line with 'current rates' as long as i was getting a reasonable amount of work but the cold hard fact is there just isnt the work so Im finding I have to sell the idea to people that ordinarily wouldnt be thinking of having a reskim, maybe just a lick of paint..
anyone got any better ideas (feasible ideas) then let us all know..

btw.. it does look like the govermant has at least tried to do something about it by introducing nvq'2 for sites by 2010 or whatever year but on the domestic front its completely unpoliceable..
but as youve said before rich, you get what you pay for to an extent at least and its really up to the customer to decide (usually without any information to go on other that a chat with a few 'plasterers') who is going to provide better 'value for money'.. cos lets face it, thats what its all about..
just cos people are goin in cheap doesnt mean theyre necassarily shite, it may just mean that theyre gettin desparate..
plastering on the domestic front is high 'work turnover', meaning a job lasts a day, 2, week tops..
which basically means the phone has to keep ringing.. soon as it stops it doesnt take long in this game to start panicking..
it can all change in the blink of an eye though, 1 phone call, 1 good job (3 weeks work say) and youve got a 'buffer'..
Yeah all true but I pride myself on a good job done not just the plastering but the way the job is left for example I always clean out sockets,clean windws,scrape floors and leave the job as perfect as I can now on site I usually price the job at about £5 p/m labour only this lets me sub out and make a bit as well as make good money myself but at the moment I am being asked to take on jobs at £ 3.50 p/m which is ok for myself but when I have to sub out it at £ 2.80 p/m it doesnt leave enough money for people to take real pride in the job its just f**k it get it done.

Rich b
micky jones said:
Go and sell yourself to the sites instead of watching porn all day . Good skimmers are never out of work

I can Plaster, Slate and tile, felt n fibreglass and lay brick and i havn't had a sniff of work for 3 weeks! i'm doing my Dads extention for polish rates. Your just lucky where u are. Karma will come.
on site rich you ARE the subby..
thats why rates are what they are, the people makin money are the fat cnuts who bought the 16 acre plot in the first place and are sticking 90 houses on it..
domestics a different game though..
the problem here is continuity of work and if youve got plenty of it you can afford to pay good lads 120 quid a day and still make a killing..
the work just isnt there anymore though and its becoming every man for himself..
every small builder in the country has had the same problem at some stage, you take lads on, train em up and before long theyve realised theres nothing to stop em doin just what youre doin i.e. advertising, surveying, quoting and more importantly - profiting..
general building takes years of experience to be able to survey and quote,
plastering is plastering, i take an average of about 15 seconds to decide on a price per room, rocket science it definately isnt..
I have had 3 people walk past my site today looking for work.

One of them has been on a job in Exeter and was getting £ 4.40 hardwall/set ouch ..... £4.40 !!!!

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