working in holland

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Well-Known Member
i have just had a phone call to ask me to work in holland next week, i am a bit unsure of the job but think its just straight forward contracting on site. has any1 done this before.
do you need qualifications to work abroad.
do they use the same plaster.
the climate is about the same, so i would assume they use the same as us.
i just came back from travelling jamaica and they sand cement evrything.
any help would be taken on board cheers lads.
you only need qualifications if your employer wants it, within the eu we all have freedom of movement and can work anywhere hence all the bloody foreigners here, not sure what they use in holland but i'd take it as there is nothing over here right now.
i am tryin to mate, £15 after tax 19 euros an hour. cant hardly understand the guy. would like to know what tools i need then i can go they need some1 for monday.
what do u think.
hand board trowel brushes, would that be enough or would i need the back of my van over there
its not great money is your accomadation free ? you also need to be careful you dont pay tax on it twice there and here, as what to take you really need to find out mate.
bloody hell 15 quid an hour... youd be lucky to get me to work for that for a mate! never mind traipsin half way accross europe...thats what? 120 quid for a days work? i charge min 100 for a smallish ceiling...
if that were me id be doin 10 metre sets, smokin shitloads of dope and id expect my digs, food and beer thrown in...
spent a few months in germany around '95 and all they used was this one coat shite... reckon its all knauf out there...
heard a few nasty stories about dutch firms too, pay you for a month, then its a couple of weeks late, then a month late, then u bugger off back home a months wages lite...
could be wrong now though...good luck if you decide to go...
well i dont do private work that much, prefer site work and goin rate rounf here (sheffield is 12.50 an hour b4 tax. not much price work goin, and its only 2.50 m2.
dont pay for your digs over there, but £15 aint bad after tax, would like to know what hours i can work, really would consider it if i could bang 70 hour weeks in but like i say i can hardly understand the guy.
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