Working away rates

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Elite Member
Got some away work coming up for a building firm & they want me to agree an hourly rate or day rate with them,
they won't do it on a price, but the last time I worked away was 7years ago.
The jobs at the moment are 190 miles from home.

So what's the going rates nowadays for working away eg:
Hourly rate/day rate?
Diesel how much a mile?

I know the rates have changed a bit since I used to do it.
We used to do 10-12hrs a day.
So we are looking at a decent day rate for those type of hours.

In 1999 i think we used to get about £11-£12hr an hr,
£80 a week for digs,
£13 a day for food,
35p per mile.

A bloke I worked for a few years back paid me 17p per mile, not working away though but travelling to jobs.
good luck if your a subby trying to get digs/food + mileage

on the books i used to get £120/day + 25/day digs + fuel
napper83 said:
good luck if your a subby trying to get digs/food + mileage

on the books i used to get £120/day + 25/day digs + fuel

yes I'm a subby & that was a firm I used to sub too they covered your food digs the lot.
just work out want you want per day plus 60 quid mate .....some of us have mortgages others dont some of us want 500 a day etc etc
spunky said:
just work out want you want per day plus 60 quid mate .....some of us have mortgages others dont some of us want 500 a day etc etc

sounds about rite mate cheers
I pay my guys time and a half for working away plus their digs... it has to be worth their while to work away from home comforts i give labourers £105.00 per day and spreads £180.00 all less 20% on CIS scheme if you are driving just charge your flat hourly rate plus fuel... works for me and thats how i price jobs up
last job i worked away i got £200 a day the firm payed for the digs we payed food and fuel but it was only for 4 days.
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