working abroad

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Just saw a post for a job in corfu. I was wondering how different is it working in these hotter countrys. I assume you get a lot less time with finish plasters. Are render coats the same mix were ever you go, or do they put additives on them to cope with the heat.
P.s, I doubt I'll be trying to bid for the corfu job.
Hi ,im living on the costa del crime and lucky to have english building supplies not too far away so can get multi finish etc.There is not a huge difference on working times the difference comes with the added stress on your body working in these temps now on average 35-40c.Just need to nurse your render making sure you give it plenty of drinks as well as yourself :).i have used the spanish plasters but found had to work it a lot more to get any kind of finish and a mine field getting something half usable so although cheaper to buy did nt make sense on how much i could get done .Spanish tend to put it on and drag it off leaving piles of poo everywhere :o,some brits seem to get on with it but i just cant be arrrsed trying when i have another option.We are quite adaptable and money seems to speed up this process so hey nothing ventured............ as they say ;D
gib not far for your cheap fags and english food mate..
i was in Fuengirola long time ago , in the heat of the bad times :(
Funkyroller ;D know it well mate my girlfriends got a place there los boliches not far from the London bar,Gibs ok you can get most english stuff in spain now though go there occasionally for the novelty. hard times ?its not so clever now :'( i have been lucky i guess built a fair client base and lived here before years ago so know a lot of people.I just prefer to struggle in the sun than the rain,loads have gone home and still going you can tell by the amount of abandoned cats and dogs left behind.Yourself how come you left?
A. plasterer said:
Funkyroller ;D know it well mate my girlfriends got a place there los boliches not far from the London bar,Gibs ok you can get most english stuff in spain now though go there occasionally for the novelty. hard times ?its not so clever now :'( i have been lucky i guess built a fair client base and lived here before years ago so know a lot of people.I just prefer to struggle in the sun than the rain,loads have gone home and still going you can tell by the amount of abandoned cats and dogs left behind.Yourself how come you left?

He's allergic to cats and dogs ;)
london bar that the underground? was bopping in there when i was 14 :D my parents had a bar in "the ALLEY called dannys bars, nice bar but once you went up the alley you didnt come out :o
seen some things there that would shock afew!
went back a few years bk all changed now
Hmmm sounds scary dont want to be going up the alley then,and certainly dont want anyone coming up mine :o. "London pub" is on the corner on the sea front and yes the "underground nightclub" is next to it same owner i think.Always a few eye openers down here sometimes like living in Beirut stuff in the papers all the time bodies in suitcases, pulled out the sea,boots of cars blah ,blah blah but i guess you cant have this many nutters from all over the world doing business and not crossing paths.But to be fair unless you are involved without the press you would "nt know,besides the suns out so who cares 8).
11 euros a bag if i have anything big enough on then i get it shipped down.local stuff ranges from 3 euros up to about 10.
Yeah thats quite expensive i usualy use machine plaster which is one coat or perlinor or perlita which once you are used to it is just as good as multi there is a thread on perlinor/pelita if you can find it on the search facility between Del and myself.
I hear that they use the uk to learn trades to take back with them. Would there be such a love for this cheap labour if they started hitting the it market. I think not
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