working abroad advice do's and dont's

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New Member
alright lads!

march 2010 off to Melbourne Australia on a working holiday visa.
plan is to hit the ground running and get plastering as soon as possible

can anybody tell me if my cscs card will be valid, or do i need to get one of their site cards

also what tools should i take?
is it worth taking a screw gun?
is it worth taking my mixer?

or should i just go out with hand tools, hawk and trowel

any advice off anybody already out there would be great

Your taking a bit of a gamble mate? would of thought you new all this before you planned to go.
Where you gonna be staying over there.
I would of done a recce first. You realy need to chat to an aussie plasterer. Differnt ball game alltogether over there.
Good luck tho.
p.s dont think the cscs ticket will be valid. You may not even need 1???
Check your shoes in the morning for spiders, and take some ear plugs as the Australian accent is really annoying.
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