work in west yorkshire

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Private Member
is there not a plasterers needing plasterers bit anymore or is that in special bit.

could do with a hand on a pebbledashing job in bradford west yorkshire while one of my lads is away on hol, if anyone is from that area just for a couple of days next week.
good day rate, steady away you wont be working your knackers off.

pm us if anyone is about from that area.

you have to have a few more posts to see that section as I feel that it needs to be a perk of being an active member :D

flynnyman said:
heafy said:
How many posts are needed to see the plasterers loolin for plasterers section?

Hmmmmm the loolin for plasterers section i dont know ive got over 2000 and i cant see it :)Ha, sorry I'm on me iPhone and the keyboards about 3x2, can't pick out the letters half the time.
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