Woodwool carrier board fixed directly to timber frame?

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New Member
Hi, i am new on the board, a self builder, timber frame, near Kendal, after some help.

Part of my new build will be natural limestone faced, some rendered (about 80sqm).
I propose to use render board rather than block, the question is what system?
The architects proposal is bluclad or aquapanel on battens with thin coat render system.

Someone has suggested the possibility of using a breathable woodwool 25mm board directly attached to the frame (to OSB and vapor membrane with no battens no air gap).
This carrier board will then be covered by a breathable lime render.

There are a lot of advantages in this, it adds insulation, increases structural integrity, gets rid of the air gap, insect meshes, and probably solves any expansion/contraction issues.

- Will it work?
- Is it permitted under building regs?
- Will it bring lots of grief?

Can anyone help me on this .... please
Aquapanel and thincoat is what is mostly used at the moment. You can achieve a few finishes and and colour.

It will all depend on your personal preference on what will look better and cost? Nothing wrong with either really
Timber frame structure is governed by regs to have a 25mm gap usually vented. Its to protect the sub frame timber from condensation, tracking ingress water on the inner closed surfaces and to keep the due point dry should it occur.

Failure on timber frame construction lead the industry (insurance and mortgage co.s) to act so I think you will find it hard to escape the cavity.

You could try and argue on the grounds of the breath ability of the boards used but I have never heard of such going through control.
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