Wickes bonding agent

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New Member
Hello all,

I have been plastering some time now but have never used WBA! Normally on over skims I PVA and Skim when tacky.

Went to look at a job = Over skim in a bathroom. On the wall there is a really shiny paint , The sort of paint that PVA takes ages to go off on and then the skim sometimes slides if you put it on too early.

I was thinking of trying WBA on these walls putting it on the a couple of nights before. Also i will run my devil float over the walls before hand to score the wall.

What you think of the above???
also do you water down WBA??
Do you need to PVA over the WBA on the day of plastering??

Any help or advice on the above would be great.
Or if anyone knows a better way to deal with this type of paint

Many thanks
I would always look at any available alternative to pva, I normally use bond-it but ask church I think he knows more about WBA
The wickes stuff will do around 13 m2 per tub on shinny paint just stir it well get the grit up from the bottom of the tub , roll it on and leave for a min of 2-3 hours then skim and enjoy , no pva or water down needed just go straight on it
WBA is Betokontakt. Knauf make it for Wickes, but in silly little 3kg pots instead of man size buckets.

You pay a premium for it that way.
but it does save you the heartbreak of trying to explain what a bonding agent is to your local builders merchant counter staff ..... no its not carlite bonding ;D
I did a hall stairs landing in with vinyyl silk painted all over the walls a few months back. i used WBA on the walls pull all my beads on sheeted the carpets up came back next day and skimmed it.
It worked really really well,the wall hung for ages,no problems with the finnish sliding around on firmer trowels and polsihing. Good stuff WBA .
Thats the way to go mate for sure.
Its water based stuff so once it dry on the walls u can go at it same as emulsion about an hour or so if u open windows and get air moving around.
On vinyl silk aswell it goes a lot further than it says on label, i did a whole HSl with one 3 kg tub !!!
If you mixed it with pva on vinyl silk it would take 3-4 hrs+ to dry.
On reskims it would be ok,but the PVA would control the suction + be the adbesive so really no need mate.
WBA it great on friable surfaces too, good for going on distemper /white wash once the bulk is removed no need for stabilising solution pva etc.
kirk johnstone said:
jord218 said:
put a hand full of kiln dried sand in you PVA. gives a nice key and saves you a fortune. ;D

and some food colouring so you can see where you have been ;)

also take a bucket and spade so if you get pissed off you can make sand castles :D :D
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