who here likes there job

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i love it just as much as the very first day i picked up my trowel 21 years ago...........i do................i absolutely love it........... :)
grand wizard said:
yeah got dracula's lunchbox wedged in me keks

Get rid of that shite machine and get back to your handboard and you will become a lover of the plaster..............:)
no i will never be a lover of plaster im aching like f**k today because of the pink shite
it is a mugs game we get the joys of a short life expectancy, b*ll***s prices that havent changed in the last 10 years (me anyway) but i love it like a hobby.......alongside.......err astronomy :-\
I used to like when there was a skill and a craft to the job now its about skimming boardwork an dib and dob sorry but that's just boring ,i like doing renders and dashing still and even liked floors till the over day, plasterers are ten a penny these days and that's a shame . Id like to be a PRO football agent now 1% of the transfer price for a few phone calls jobs a good en !
i love it..take a bit of pride saying im a plasterer..i did f**k all at skool and still manage to pull in least £600 NOTES A WEEK!:-)
lol I am quite the opposite I did gcse's and a levels beleive it or not in Law, business, and communication!!

lol quite funny when customers talk to you as if your dumb and you start gabbling on about economis of scale or trig...lol

People often ask me for my web designer details.... lol they seem shocked when I answer the phone

I do love being a spread..... still make more money than most only doing 2 days a week

I love being a spread especially when people say its not a trade its an art and they will try their hand at most things but steer well clear of attempting to plaster. I must hear that 1 about 50 times a year ;D ;D ;D
ive been at it 5 years and love the pain..lol im only 38 so hopefully a few years left in me...but i also love ceilings..i really do.....which i have been told by my mentor that i will grow to hate them ..lol....grand you have a few years on me....when im spreading as long as you fella........maybe pink wont suit me or my body either..but for the time being ...im with the nutters.. :D :D :D :D :D
ive been doin it 9 yrs now but unfortunatly for the first 6yrs it was skiming boards dayin day out an feckin hate it now but it pays the bills luv gettin a good run of hardwall tho
Love it that much I retired and started teaching it, now thats what you call mad
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