Whisk 'n' paddle combo... what's best?

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New Member
Hi guys! I'm looking to buy a new whisk and paddle for mainly domestic jobs. I like the one my boss has which is a makita ut120 with a 4inch orange refina paddle. Just wondered what you guys would recommend? Thanks.
if its just skimming a 24v drill with 4 batteries and a marshalltown mud mixer attatchment ......anything else have a look at the drills at refina
FFS. Can you not use the search function? This has been discussed so many times, and the general consensus of opinion is that this is the best one.
Whisk 'n' paddle combo... what's best?
Cheers guys. Using internet on mobile at mo. Not ideal for navigating around sites. Thanks again
not that long ago they were being used .....before my time ha ha haaaaaaa bunch of hunchbacked cyoonts ;D
i bought an 8 inch paddle aswell..... also a refina attachment as it nearly did my back in bending over..... should of bent my knee's really ;D........ i wasnt conforming to health & safety regs

gona get a refina one or one of those german one's, when it goes........ but it works thats the main thing.
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