Which tub?

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the original gorilla tubs are s.h.i.t the handles break and they are to thin. the wickes version is much better and lasts forever
ifi got to use a plunger i.e no power then a 'plasterers bucket' or a home brew bucket whichever...
if im on the whisk then a gorilla wobbly tub...
why? you got shares in gorilla tubs or sumat? ;D

rich you just a tight cnunt.... dont buy silly buckets, buy the proper ones or go to a proper place thats not 'everything for a quid'.. ;D
F off chris..... i bought a load of proper made by gorillia ie the original tubs and they are cr.ap.

all the other copies of it are brilliant

i remember the old 'gorilla' tubs.. they were called 'rubble trugs' when they first came out for some mental reason?
you prolly got yopur knickers in a twist riich and bought 'monkey buckets'.. ;D
anyway... i dont even know why i prefer the big floopy ones cos it take sless time to knock up in a 'perlasterers' bucket with a whisk and it lasts longer because of it...
talkin bolox now.... timne for bed...
wnet though a fckin pipe today with a drywall... not funny...

o top tip!!!!!
if you doi that.... rip off the covering and STICK THE F'CKIN SCREW BACK IN THE HOLE' innit...
stops it till the plumber turns up...
truew that...
even though im pssed
Chris W said:
i remember the old 'gorilla' tubs.. they were called 'rubble trugs' when they first came out for some mental reason?
you prolly got yopur knickers in a twist riich and bought 'monkey buckets'.. ;D
anyway... i dont even know why i prefer the big floopy ones cos it take sless time to knock up in a 'perlasterers' bucket with a whisk and it lasts longer because of it...
talkin bolox now.... timne for bed...
wnet though a fckin pipe today with a drywall... not funny...

o top tip!!!!!
if you doi that.... rip off the covering and STICK THE F'CKIN SCREW BACK IN THE HOLE' innit...
stops it till the plumber turns up...
truew that...
even though im pssed

Thats funny ;D ;D
if youve got long runs make up a bit of ply with some wheels from bandq and mix in a hardwall butt and push it along ......look out in lidls sometimes they sell little trolley things for a tenner
Chris W said:
ifi got to use a plunger i.e no power then a 'plasterers bucket' or a home brew bucket whichever...
if im on the whisk then a gorilla wobbly tub...
why? you got shares in gorilla tubs or sumat? ;D

rich you just a tight cnunt.... dont buy silly buckets, buy the proper ones or go to a proper place thats not 'everything for a quid'.. ;D
no reason just being nosey.
plasterers bucket, way easier and quicker to knock up in, gorilla tubs better for floating though (unless ya using spot) as the fuckng stuff starts seeting round the edge!
i use the big white mixing tubs from refina you can get 3 bags off em easy quite pricey but good and strong with handles each side and they dont bend like them horrible monkey tubs
madmonk said:
i use the big white mixing tubs from refina you can get 3 bags off em easy quite pricey but good and strong with handles each side and they dont bend like them horrible monkey tubs
hear hear well seid mate ;)
i take me time .....so use a sand castle bucket.........still at least ive got loads on gonna try to finish a whole wall next week 8)
tex you need to up grade to a large saucepan knock up in it then sling straight on the wall you will soon have a wall done :)
Not sure if they do, hope so! Will be running down there!

I use tub normaly but used small builders bucket today as only doing a small ceiling and it was so much easy to gauge mix, think I might get a plasterers bucket now as should be same just bigger!
richie said:
tex you need to up grade to a large saucepan knock up in it then sling straight on the wall you will soon have a wall done :) i tried that once mixing up flickin it on using wooden spoon straight out of saucepan .quick clean lunch time handy for tomato soup and cheese sarnies ..just have to make sure me divvy mate aint been using it for a piss pot ??? we are class ;D
I had a 75ltr one from wickes a couple of years ago for about £7.
Get 2 bags of hardwall in it easy, i use it if restricted for space etc.. other wise i use the bath,
not used the 75ltr for skim yet but i reckon you'd get 3 bags in it 8)
For skim though i prefer the White tall plasterers bucket & spot, but i do use the 30ltr gorilla tubs when there's no space or on small jobs etc... The more buckets you got the better really it doesn't matter what you mix it in as long as the job is spot on ;)

Got the bath for a tenner off a chippy ages ago, he bought it to skim a 12m2 :D :D
Infact i'm using it tomorrow......because i phukin stink ;D
gorilla tubs, but that's down to we sell them where I work..

42ltr - 5.95
26ltr - 4.40
14ltr - 3.20

should be able to get a further 5%off that too
Alan Cook said:
gorilla tubs, but that's down to we sell them where I work..

42ltr - 5.95
26ltr - 4.40
14ltr - 3.20

should be able to get a further 5%off that too

very sly. yeah i use marshalltown trowels. the expensive ones. BUT theyre not as expensive from where i work as luck should have it ;D
should be able to get a further 5%off that too
very sly. yeah i use marshalltown trowels. the expensive ones. BUT theyre not as expensive from where i work as luck should have it ;D

where do u work marshalltown ;D
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