which size stilts?

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New Member
gonna buy some stilts off ebay but didnt know which size i needed, im 6.1ft
would i need the 15-23 or the 18-30
mainly work at 2.4-2.7
and can anyone comment on the £60 stilts off ebay, didnt want to splash out for skywalkers incase i dont get on with em.
quite an impossible question to answer really... all depends on what sort of height ceilings you find yourself skimming and how long your arms are... best thing i can suggest is next time your do a ceiling you feel you would want to be using stilts, measure the height of the platform/hopup your using and see which stilt size category it fits into and whether you need xtra height or whatever.

theres been plenty of comments on the cheap ebay stilts before and theyve nearly allways been positive so are a good investment if stilts are your thing 8)
if they put handles on the sides of bags of plaster, in 12 months time none of us would need stilts!
would be handy having a little plaster holder/tipper, just get the labourer to load it up with 10 bags. adjust to required height and slice end of bag then gently push lever forward to tip the stuff into the bucket, one swift crank of the second lever loads up the next bag, lazy but id buy one :D
go for the 18-30, I also have the ones from ebay for about 60quid I have had them for about four years now I have never had any problems and they are still going strong it will be the best 60 pound you spend this year
I've got the 15-23 inch ones off ebay great bit of kit will cover most ceilings 2.8 and above i have a 1m high folding rig which i use
chris said:
I've got the 15-23 inch ones off ebay great bit of kit will cover most ceilings 2.8 and above i have a 1m high folding rig which i use
15-23 wouldnt reach anything above 2.8 unless you stand about 6foot5
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