where to start on ceilings

where to start on ceilings

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hello chaps, whats the best place to start applying the muck on ceilings and where to go from there? im competent with trowelling and everything else its just where to start with the muck that baffles me everytime, help!!!
Start here.

Bring halfway

do the same here

works for me. Just treat it like a wall.....only not. And mix yer stuff a wee bit stiffer too.
I start LHS, crate about 1 foot away from the wall, so you get a good stroke above your'e head, working to the RHS, then back to LHS, and repeat. but the second line, finish the stroke with a back stroke, this takes out the start line made by the trowel, and flattens off the end of stroke made from your'e first line. iftou know wot i mean :)
what you should do mate is do what we do, get the tackers to let you skim the boards before they go up, then just fill the screw holes and joints, easy, job done ;D ;D ;D
Don't feel so bad, I saw a lad once batten out a room and do just that!! Dancing round the light fitting!! ;D
RainbowThistlePlastering said:
I seriously thought Rich, (french word)ed up an answer as it was, was being serious for some reason. May the plastering gods curse my next bucket of multi for my foolishness.

you would only blame BG anyway thats seems to be the trend.
flynnyman said:
RainbowThistlePlastering said:
I seriously thought Rich, (french word)ed up an answer as it was, was being serious for some reason. May the plastering gods curse my next bucket of multi for my foolishness.

you would only blame BG anyway thats seems to be the trend.
LoL :D :D :D :D
Always always always start at the beginning it's the best & only way mate ;)
Never start in the middle or at the end ;)
And going in circles is just too confusing & it makes me dizzy when doing the circle technique ;D
richardbrown said:
im taking the (french word)


Like someone said allready, go along one side and back up the other if its a rectangle move left to right along the long side, this way you can get passed the mid point (behind you) and you wont have to do a third strip up the middle.

Does that make sense?
i used to do it in circles but it fucks you when you come to the edge as its a square room...rich taught me how to do it.
depends if your right handed or left handed , right handed start in the left corner and if ur spacker handed learn to use your proper hand lmfao pmsl up here for thinking down there for dancing lol
sidewaysking156 said:
depends if your right handed or left handed , right handed start in the left corner and if ur spacker handed learn to use your proper hand lmfao pmsl up here for thinking down there for dancing lol

Spacker handed? f**k me that's a new one. ;D
i must be strange then coz i tape left handed with knife or trowel in right hand but scim right handed with hawk in left hand
am i strange answers on a post card please
ziggy2 said:
Don't feel so bad, I saw a lad once batten out a room and do just that!! Dancing round the light fitting!! ;D
a lab cut the bosses lawn with a ride on mower there was a tree in the middle so obviously he went around it and when he came back he followed the same line ........the whole garden had one big circle in the middle ;D
grand wizard said:
so you hold the trowel or knife in same hand for both ::)

let me explain if im scrimming up i will hold the scrim tape in my left hand and have a trowel or knife in my right hand to cut the tape with but when im scimming i use my right hand to hold the trowel and left for the hawk which doesnt make sense coz when scrimming if ur right handed u wud think u wud hold the scrim tape in ur right hand and cut with ur left. i now no the answer i am strange ;D
When i'm scrimming up i hold my trowel and the scrim in my right hand and pull the tape off with my left when i get to where it needs cutting off i put the tape in my left hand and cut it with my trowel simple or i some times put my trowel in my back pocket depends what mood im in :)
church said:
Next time i do it i will take notice of what im doing and report back ;)

I guess your like me Church and work on auto pilot, spend most of my working (cough) day thinking about fishing or doing something other than what I'm doing.
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