where is the m100 video?

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its fallen apart or he needs a new 22mm socket to drive the mixing paddle ;D ;D ;D ;D or the clue holding the speed selector in fast mode has come loose or the refina drill strapped to the mixing chamber has got water inside it
and killed everyone. ;D
It doesen't actually show the m100 sprayin it, does it? or am i just too sceptical, as far as we know there could be a ritmo on the other end of the slanger ???
Can you show like worrier says a close up of the machine mixing and with sound, want to know if the machine sounds like a can of ball bearings or not.
its coming out to fast and the coat looks to thin also with all that air pressure i think there getting alot of scaring in the skimming
The rotor and stator is the same as the ritmo uses for renders etc B4 pump.

TBH that looked pretty great, i couldn't see if there was a mess with spray back or if you were doing 1 coat only but the speed it was going on looked pretty good.
How long do it take to clean up and how much more are you doing now compared to laying by hand
South coast said:
Clean up takes about 2min and I do twice as much as I would by hand
looked smart how many metres are you getting on by yourself operating the gun and troweling up
on youre tod?.......have you always one coated or did you find it tricky adapting, are you using a sponge or just troweling up, have you ever tried giving it a fine mist as a sort of second coat, whats it like when youre working hard angles ..soz about all the questions mate
At the moment it's just me and a labourer I don't do one coat I tried it and didn't like it so I always 2 coat it's just as quick as one coat by the time you have gone over the tapes and beads it's just as guick and you don't have to sponge it
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