Where is the best place to get kit???

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Well looking into a new mixing drill and a autofeed screwgun but need to be very good prices with the credit crunch and all lol
What do you want a autofeed screw gun for? you get a cheap one and they keep jamming up you get a dear one and they keep jamming up and you get loads of screws hanging out :( better off with just a battery drill as for a mixing drill you can pick um up anywhere now for less than £100 again i would go for quality refina do good mixers but are quite expensive compared to bnq or screwfixs range.
ive been looking at mixers on ebay and the german mixers 4 £ 60 look like a bargin and there 1600 watt, i think.

silverline do a cheap auto feed screwdriver
What do you want a autofeed screw gun for? you get a cheap one and they keep jamming up you get a dear one and they keep jamming up and you get loads of screws hanging out :( better off with just a battery drill as for a mixing drill you can pick um up anywhere now for less than £100 again i would go for quality refina do good mixers but are quite expensive compared to bnq or screwfixs range.

Ok so what battery drill do you recommend as i have a bosch 14v and its about ready for the cleaners???
I use a little 12v makita and its mint not too heavy but realy powerful i have had for about 5 years now and its still going strong :)
I use a little 12v makita and its mint not too heavy but realy powerful i have had for about 5 years now and its still going strong :)
I heard there dear though but if your getting 5yrs plus out of them i guess they pay there way 5 times over!
I bought a silverline drill driver £29 and silverline plaster mixer bout £70 from www.transtools.co.uk free delivery over £45 loads of silverline tools, although think they are running a bit low on silverline stock at the moment as they are waiting for shipment from China (probably been pirated by the somalians) transtools is excellent always get my stuff within 2 days and alot cheaper than all the competition...3 year guarantee on all silverline tools also. Although i've got loads of silverline tools and never had any probs.
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