when in spain...

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anyone worked in spain recently? was there last year on the costa tropical. the established expats wouldnt tell you anything - competition i suppose. so it was a matter of trial and error and i'm left with a few questions as to what i was using for nearly a year.

what's the difference between escayola and yeso. whats the equivalent of a backing plaster? i was using something called aislayola for the backing plaster and mecafino for the skim coat, though you could use the aislayola as a one coat and get a good finish most days. plasterboard was 22 euros a sheet!
whats that phrase someone once used? spanish finish? there was another word used to describe the phrase? cant think for the life of me what it was though? ???
yeso, there are 2 types, rapido and contralado, rapido is used for setting back boxes, pipes in walls, etc,goes off very quick, 5 min, drys rock hard, . contralado is the same stuff, but goes of in 20 min. do not use these for scimming or you will be in a big world of s..t for a backing coat i use s&c then scim in perlita yecaperl, this is good stuff, you can go onto any surface, brick, block, concrete, artex, painted sufaces, it does the lot.and you can use it as a backing coat, but not to clever if laid on thick, there is also perlinor super moran, which is finish, just for scimming boards, s&c, but tends to bubble and blister if no suction, not as good in my opinion, there is also some other stuff which lucious put on the forum about 2 days ago , cant think what it is called. escayola means plaster, mecafino i used on boards, but took 4 hours to go off, pos joint finish, as there are loads of it with different names, hope it helps del
With great difficulty to be honest,wasnt the best finish.
I went to the Ferreterea (diy shop ) and explained as best i could in spanish and he gave me Yeso and kola.
It went off within minutes,i just kept it wet and trowel it up as best i could once painted it was ok.
It was in my own house so no problem just as well becuse i doubt i would got paid !
nice one, del. that was the only suggestion i was given - the perlinor - but the local ferreterea only had the aislayola which i was assured was the same if not similar. you're right about the mecafino - used to take about 2 hours before you could trowel it up - lovely white finish, though, you didnt even have to paint it if you didnt want to. the yeso rapido was brilliant for quick fixing, they should sell something similar here.another thing i noticed was they never used or sold pva or the quivalent - just wetting down. i started off using something called colo blanco or something like that. it was a wood glue and just didnt dilute too well. but after buying a few 5 litre tubs at about 12 euros the ferreterea put it overnight to 18 euros! i wish i was back there now sometimes. but then its probably real slow there - everything was getting mothballed when i left. if anyone is ever in la herradura - near to almunecar - then ask for brendan morley at el anclar, he's got all the expat contracts and will give you a start if there's anything around

i should use these for the swear filter ;D
Cervesa senior Sie, two quatros by favour, bounos night

this is what alta vista makes of that!
Placofinish made by Iberplaco is the finish i mentioned. Yeso Controlado is the standard Spanish finish also known as the downfall of many a cocky Brit plasterer. I only use it on small areas as i just find it a pain to use. When the Spanish use it on big areas they work in a 3 man gang one constantly mixing it up in small batches realy watery another throwing it on the wall and one following up troweling up but the mess is unbelievable.
Mecafina is made especialy to fine finish machine plaster dont know what its like on other surfaces for me its just to dear to use just as a finish.The cement based finish sometimes called cola blanca (not to be confused with PVA) is Capa Fina which realy is a one coat render often used by bodgers who cant plaster. PVA Is not used by Spanish plasterers as they realise that it is wood glue so why would you use it for plastering.Yeso Rapido used for fixing electric boxs and almost anything in Spain is readily available in the U.K. it is called Plaster of Paris.
nice one lucius, scimmingtoday, i bet you struggled with the setting times i gave, on both products, do you have tennis elbow now ? :D
escayola is plasterer of paris yeso is a very poor one coat plaster the best thing to use for plastering in spain is machine plaster.for an adesive i use sika top 52(i think thats right it's a resin and stays tacky for age's)when using m/plaster when it pick's up sponge it then trowel it up or use a spatular if your not happy with the finish use a tight coat of mecafino.mecafino is not designed to be used like a multifinish coat i.e 2mm/3mm per coat hence the word fino(fine or thin in english).buenas suerte
Hi Tel i thought T52 was an adhesive for fixing laminate flooring, might be wrong though,i use Sika Latex or Sika Top 50 resin for prep and your right machine plaster is the best all round product available in Spain.
Ive had tennis elbow for years but as i dont plaster day in day out its not to bad.
thank's lucius,i got it wrong it's sika top 50 i used to use the latex aswell but found it didn't stay tacky long enough cheer's anyway.phippsy i like the sound of the gypsum gear being available over here can you imagine the dosh you could make spraying browning or limelite and then a nice set coat.el tel
lucius forgot this bit in last post. i used to get a bit of tennis elbow so i started to use a smaller trowel for floating and this sorted it out give it a try it might help other than that wank with the non trowel hand
bigsegs said:
whats that phrase someone once used? spanish finish? there was another word used to describe the phrase? cant think for the life of me what it was though? ???

an oxymoron! spanish never finish anything! ;D
Hi Del,

Ive got a little job to do in Barcelona and everone keeps mentioning this mecafino. Ive tried it and it takes hours to go off.
The perlita yecaperl you said is good stuff....how long does it usually take to go off?

Thanks pal
Your nearest leroy merlin should have it. Or ask at your local ferreteria. They should be able to tell you where to get it if they haven't got it. Small industrial sites on the edge of town usually have a place
Have you used PlacoStic? Bought some today so will use it tomorrow but just thought I'd ask to see how it trowels up. Pretty pricey at about 13 euros a bag
Looks like easy fill kinda stuff straight over paint often peels off on roller if first coat paint not pissed down enough ,see guys using it direct over the bubbly s**t but max is 3mm I believe . Walls here are often full of hollows 20-30mm .
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