What trowels to get?

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New Member
What trowels do I need for plastering interior walls? All my big drywall taping trowels are curved for taping joints and I don't think they'd work good with plastering or skim coating a whole wall.
just go to your local buiders and buy a marshalltown 13"finishing trowel cant go wrong with that mate! make sure to run your eye down it to see if it straight or slight turn out ways at top and bottom fine. ;)
TBH Tom depends on what you're doing.
Bit of DIY you could use a cheap one from B&Q.
The beauty of more expensive ones comes through with time and use.

GPS are you due on or summat?
I got a few Marshalltown flat trowels from about 12" x 4" to 16" x 4" I've used for a bit of cement work.    I thought (assumed? = prone to being mistaken) that they were too thick/stiff than what would be right for plastering work. A Marshalltown representative I asked about it though told me their cement trowels and plastering trowels are one and the same, that their catalog shows them all under the cement heading, and the only difference in which one you use is a matter of personal preference. So I guess I already have the trowels I need.

The rep also said she found a lot of plasterers prefer a 3" wide trowel, but many use a 4" wide too. I guess what I got is close enough to have a go at a bit of skim coating and see what happens.
if you need to ask that my friend, stick to taping
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. 8-)    I'll be experimenting on my own property.   I wouldn't attempt this on a customer. ::)
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