what to carry in ya van when starting on ya own?

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New Member
r u a hawk/trowel/bucket/ladder man or got every gadget/gizmo for plastering under the sun in ya van

is it best to get the full kit up front or buy as u need?

also do u carry few bags of plaster and boards or do u buy per job ?

Re: what to carry in ya van when starting on ya ow

depends if you can afford to buy all the gear straight away theres obviously some of the gear that youd have to buy straight away n a would always buy boards when a needed them for the job never hurts to have a couple of spare bags of plaster but a wouldnt purposly buy loads just to store up
Re: what to carry in ya van when starting on ya ow

same here, just buy it as you need it, your a trade not a warehouse, same with tools expand with your business...besides youll look a right donkey turning up at a job with all new tools....ever heard 'all the gear and no idea' :D
Re: what to carry in ya van when starting on ya ow

im the same only buy materials as you need them, as for tools theres not an awful lot a spread needs anyway although i do carry round far to much
Re: what to carry in ya van when starting on ya ow

good thing to have is a little hoover works wonders
Re: what to carry in ya van when starting on ya ow

you should always carry a crate of stella on the van ;D
Re: what to carry in ya van when starting on ya ow

couple of milkcrates too 8-)
Re: what to carry in ya van when starting on ya ow

you should always carry a crate of stella on the van ;D
once knew a bloke who had a can sized hole in the backboard behind the seats..plastic bag behind it....1/2 an onion in the glovebox...
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