what is stop bead actually used for?????????

have you ever used internal skim stop bead on any job?

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New Member
can anyone help me??? i've seen it sold all over the place internal stop skim bead for plasterers but i have no idea what its used for..... been told in the past its used for breaking up larger area's for more manage able sizes but then ive been told never to do that as you can see the joining lines????? can anyone once and for all tell me its intended use???????? and any other uses???????? does anyone actually know ??? ??? ???
it is simply what it says it is,fix it where you wish to finish your skimming i.e. if you had an external angle to do but only wanted to do 1 side then you would use a stop bead, if you put a 90 degree thin coat bead on you would have to plaster the other side.hope this explains ok
best place i find for em is on a 135 external angle..
a normal 90 degree thincote bead plonked on it will stick out a mile and you end up having to bond it straight..
stick a stop bead on one side only, leaving it proud 3mm the other side and you have an 'adjustable' angle bead.. ;D
and before you ask.. no it doesnt bend..well not very much anyway without kinking, and not in the direction you want it to either..
ye splayed angles the best place to put them or as it says on the tin stop bead ie were you want it to stop
as per big segs reply plus for forming arches, for architectural features at skirting lines and door casings staircase strings etc
how the bejingo are you getting it to bend nicely warrior? anything below a 3 foot radius and the stuff kinks a bit, enuff to show anyhow..metal ones that is..
ive used then to form arches...obv' plastive arch beads better but if i aint got one on the van ive used stops for it......cut to measured size then push into arch...no kink......well lol..not after the 3rd one anyway lol
o, oive pushed em into arches before.. then it dawns on me it has to be the otherway up so i can get some skim on the underside of the arch..
so i try that and it bloody kinks, so i get some more and cut it to length and sort of pull it to and fro across the corner of the hopup trying to sort of fabricate it into shape..
never bloody works right though..
arch beads are ace, they do the work for you..
spunkybum said:
try rolling it across your knee seggs
i prefer the customers bannister rail :-[
think i tried the old knee joint once.. bit like attempting self amputation with a cheeswire.. ;D
phippsy333 said:
ive never stuck anything with multi/board only ever universal or drywall.....but im a bit G** like that
i mean i had the bead pointing outwards... no good for the underside..
i do stick my beads on with skim though.. 1st set no beads, use left over to stick beads on for 2nd set, ready in time..
most of my jobs are old houses....i need to build out the edges on 1st and second coat lol..most need one coat universal just to make them resemble a corner before skimming and placing a bead...too much bloody prep...
bigsegs said:
how the bejingo are you getting it to bend nicely warrior? anything below a 3 foot radius and the stuff kinks a bit, enuff to show anyhow..metal ones that is..
used to form a lot of arches using p/board and thin coat stops this way, cheaper than buying the pre formed ones, not as fashionable nowaday,s though. Always carry some stop beads in van can be quite versatile.
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