what is best to clean buckets

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After a while your buckets get that build up of plaster which never seems to wash off. Other then keep buying new buckets what tips can you suggest.
i suggest leaving it the **** there, it doesnt crack and fall in the plaster so its not doing any harm. either that or maybe some sandy water and give it a whisk, or just buy new buckets, i think i'd go for the first option
a good powerfull jet washer strips them clean works on your hop ups aswell strips all all the rock hard plaster off that builds up in the groves works every time :RpS_thumbup: the only down side you get covered in crap :RpS_thumbdn:
buckets are like £0.98 from wickes and they are ok... my skimming buckets were a cock to clean but I left them for a week or so full of water and they clean up ok.

I also leave trowels in a bucket of water when they get that film over the back of them :-)

Wicks buckets are shite they have gone really thin cheap brands me thinks. I started buying these yellow invincible buckets really strong and you could even stand on them they do not give they cost £3.50 good value. The only problem is I have to go out of town to buy them so unles am going that way cannot always get them.
I'm with beddy, just leave it. Never jet washed or soaked mine before but then I'm a lazy c**t. After a couple of years when well and truely fcuked, then buy a new one.
get a good labourer for god sake mate... he should have everything immaculate and in the van ready to go while your trowelling up... if not sack him
Left a goriila type bucket outside last night with gear in it,and was tw@tting it in the skip like I normally do and the f*ckin thing cracked.

Never seen that before, must have been the cold.
after being soacked with water emty buckets leave outside in the freezing cold a few night ,that gets all thr crap off
....MY GOD , why didnt i think of this earlier.....

The best way to clean your buckets....

Get Essexboy, thats his job...he'll do it
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