what hapened

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i think it should be 'get a trade, youll always get work... how much work, however, depends on how much there is to be had..'
trades i.e. people with skills and experience have been devalued of late in favour of people with peices of paper that say a blokes been round and taken a picture of you...
nowadays it seems to be 'get a peice of paper and youll get work, doesnt matter if you can cut it or not..'
my philosophy (which has evolved over the years) is....
if the government introduced 'skills cards' to combat poor practice, then why is it that this came about in the first place?
if the 'site agent' isnt happy with the work, surely he just bins the 'tradesman' responsible?
nope... the site agents fine with it, in fact he's gloriously happy cos he's gettin a big fat bonus for gettin the work done as cheap as possible...
its the end user who notices the poor workmanship...
and you get what you pay for...
what the f'ck do these people expect for shite money?
so maybe it should be 'work for f'ck all and youll never be out of work...' :-X
there y go, thats what happened to it...
nobody wants a 'good' tradesman anymore...
what they want is a 'cheap' tradesman..
you will always get work and lots of it if you want...its what you do to get it that counts.

and no don't reduce your day rate.
'' you will always get work and lots of it if you want...its what you do to get it that counts ''

i aint gona beg for work if thats what your saying
yea no what u mean .i go to work gone that exra mile to gt my tools jennys mixers van .turn up on time leave late clean and i give a fk.get narked of with jow blogs who comes with a trowel 1 bucket hawk .and a stik. gose ery leaves it ike a sht hole still gets same money firm just sends patcher in to finish it whats it all about.ow thy normaly fat mibi it somit to do with 1 coaters.when firms are busy the dont give a ruber duck. lol seen lots a jobs going for on sie asesors like u sead taking pictures for the goverment to say how good thy are to the tad
tell em its cheap and charge the same...

good business skills will always bring in the work. Marketing + Advertising would be a good start.
yea well Joe Bloggs is gonna have a few probs if he does a job like that in the domestic market...
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