What Finish is this Please?

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Now the outbursts of hatred against me have died down, I feel I can add some more info.

I was on the EWIstore website and the annoying online chat kept popping up so I sent him the pic on my original post. He said he thought it was 1.5 silicone done badly.

The online guy asked me to email the sales director with the pic, I did and and he thought it was 1.5 silicone that had been applied a bit too thick and so had clumped up in places and also the grains rubbed off in other places.

I guess it could well be 1.5 acrylic with clumping and grains rubbed off?

I would not expect a renderer to get it exactly the same, but I do like the random variety of the finish.

Thank you for your helpful posts.

Like said above it’s overtroweled . A sign of being done in warm weather.
Like said above it’s overtroweled . A sign of being done in warm weather.
On the picture I can see another 2 signs pointing at acrylic. Both leading to easy “obertroweling”, which actually defines acrylic, if I can put it this way.