What do you think to the new forum

What do you think to the new forum?

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Well The new forum is here.... the merge from the old one was a bit of a pain but it definiately worth while!!

Let me know what you think

All The bes

looking good dan,just a question,how come on the ols forum the plough and harrow pub is on it?,not far from me drunk in there a bit
yeah its well good......... from what i can see its, the same as the old forum but with a face lift and few extras.

im glad it hasn't change to much because the site work well as it was. also it definalty needed a section for private members only, and the calender is cool aswell.

good work danny
cos I not found a better alternative ....yet



PS wondered how long it would be before someone noticed
I know the private forum will be lonely.... at first.

Basically if the tax man was to go snooping he would have to do 500 posts before he could access it same with the public.... it will work and work quite well...lol

church said:
And theres speell checik whick is excrament kews for me
ha ha ha you f**k**g funny b*****d.........we can cunting swear on this f**k**g c**t as well ......im off to the f**k**g members room you bunch of c**ts because theres naked pics of scotts missus in there 8)......give me your email addres mate ill send them to you ;)
i cant help but notice the bricklayers trowel where a plasterers trowel should be ;)
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