what do u use to cut angle beads?

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ive got some gilbo lookalikes...they may even be gilbos..cant tell for the rust :o
They were all that was available at one time but havent got a touch on wiss, mind you, you were able to sharpen gilbos, once wiss blunt there useless a couple of stainless beads and they've had it :(
thats true all of a sudden they just start bending beads than cut them ;D
i used to get that with cheapie snips then someone told me to give the pivot bolt a good whack with a hammer on a bit of concrete and it 'sharpens' em back up again!!!! :P
They were all that was available at one time but havent got a touch on wiss, mind you, you were able to sharpen gilbos, once wiss blunt there useless a couple of stainless beads and they've had it :(

just tighten the pivot bolt slightly ... a bit of 3-1 oil god as new
i bought my snip from focus £4, there really good at bending angle beads, ill have to get some wiss snips i seen them in keyline the other day, they were only £29. is there any were else i can get them from maybe a bit cheaper. cheers

does anybody know what this face means :-*
i bought my snip from focus £4, there really good at bending angle beads, ill have to get some wiss snips i seen them in keyline the other day, they were only £29. is there any were else i can get them from maybe a bit cheaper. cheers

does anybody know what this face means :-*
they'll be sharp but loose, hit em right on the pivot with a hammer, goodun, on something solid, theyll work, if not your cuttin your beads wrong, cut from both sides then snap em off..
the face...well, lets just say this was a washing powder forum...prolly get used...
ive been using the thin coat mesh beads lately, now and again ill go to cut it and it'll bend so fustrating

:-* its a kiss ::)
Got some wiss snips had em years thought I lost em so bought sone fat max and found others both good as long as you keep putting wd on em
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