wet dashing

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Most wet dashing is done with 10 mm shingle but there different types like dashing done with chippings and a mix of different sizes of stone , so to do the best match you can you need to study what stone/ chipping has been used originally. Its best to only use drip beads and use straight edges to form wet angles on window and door reveals , first coat as normal and leave for a few days , when it comes to the butter coat stage its best to use 2 mixers or 1 mixer and large gorilla tubs , the butter coat needs to well mixed and plastersized with lime a 5-1-1 mix is good allow the butter coat to pull in so it feels firm to the touch but not hard then mix the same gauge but really wet like water wet, add 3 buckets of stone into the mixer and mix in again keeping it wet pour into a bath and use , flick onto the wall small amounts with a small coal shovel never hitting the same place twice , you need a gang to do any descent size areas as you need the time work the wall properly.

Also there is another method where you can dry dash and apply a wet cemet slurry a day or two later both give the same finish but the dry dash way is cleaner and imo easyier to do .
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