wet dash roughcast

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robbie d

New Member
Hi there folk's, new to this forum stuff so bear with me. Getting into a bit of the roughcasting stuff and was wondering if many of you do it or do you talk the client into the smooth stuff? or am i on the wrong forum and are you all just inside worker's?
Why would you want to roughcast it just looks like dirty s**t. I much prefer smooth or a nice neat teryolene or however the f**k you spell it .....

TYROLEAN you pair of coonts ;D.......cheers rich when the house gets repossesed ill be in touch asap ;)
Have you used k-rend roughcast? it say's to mix up enough roughcast you need for the day but that's near impossible i think when your putting on about 25 to 30 bag's of reciever by hand beforehand. I mix two bag's of cast at a time then slap it on straightaway but after a job's done there's alway's a panel slightly different in colour. have you had the same problem?
Sorry mate only ever done it the sand /cement way ,monojetman is the lad you need a reply from
Ive used plenty of pre bagged dash, sounds like you need to mix the batches up to get an even colour, We had lads mixing it up as we needed it in half cut barrels One barrel for butter coat and one for stones, scratched on with base coat
That's all i ever used to do, the old 321 but a few years ago the company i worked for had major problem's with cracking roughcast, was a very stressful time for me cos everyone thought i was the cause of it. Turn's out it was the block company's fault and there was to much calcium oxide(something to do with coal) in the block's which resulted in them expanding and contracting enormously, thereforth cracking the render. Before this was known we shifted to k-rend to combat this problem and never really went back to the old way. Just wanted to hear other peoples thoughts on the wet dash s**t..
If theres any problem with renders , blocks are allways to blame light weight especially , not that they will ever admit it .
Best thing to do when it cracks is get a feeler gauge and put it in the crack, if it goes in further than the render the site agent has'nt got a leg to stand on
that is a BELTIN little tip that.. nice one, never thought of that before..
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