Got a job going over damp brickwork and the manufactorer states that this is the ideal plaster as it draws the damp out and protects either side. They claim it's ideal for damp areas like basements and swimming pools.
Problem is it's £25 per M for materials, and have to allow 8 hours per coat. Scratch, float and set equals 3 days.
Got an insurance job for the back of a fitted wardrobe to do, no more than 5M2. Gonna be over £600, for less then 8 hours work (inc materials), so don't want to make a boo boo.
P.s come on Arsenal hi lewis you don't mention what the plaster is!!, um damp and continually submersed in water are two different thing's, you need to find out why it is damp, then fix this first before you re-instate the plaster