well hi there fellow spreads!!!

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Private Member
my name is Dave, and i'am a swimming pool finisher Now but was a plasterer at first many moon's ago i now just render swimming pool's and mosaic tile them ;D

Welcome to the forum!

You got much work in the UK?

spose there are actually quite a few swimming pools in the UK

lewisricekrispy said:
Have you ever used that izonal waterproof plaster on any of your jobs?
sorry mate i have never heard of it :o i use sand/OPC pluse waterproofer and traditional working method's
as for the spur's only fan ;D let's stop the insult's and just forget the football, it alway's get's silly mate as i have been there on other forum's ;D
thank's for the warm-welcome Boy's ;D i have joind to learn a bit about machine rendering and stuffand to share my knowledge of plastering and mosaic tiling , so if you need any advice,i can give my view ;D
Got a job going over damp brickwork and the manufactorer states that this is the ideal plaster as it draws the damp out and protects either side. They claim it's ideal for damp areas like basements and swimming pools.
Problem is it's £25 per M for materials, and have to allow 8 hours per coat. Scratch, float and set equals 3 days.

Got an insurance job for the back of a fitted wardrobe to do, no more than 5M2. Gonna be over £600, for less then 8 hours work (inc materials), so don't want to make a boo boo.

P.s come on Arsenal
lewisricekrispy said:
Got a job going over damp brickwork and the manufactorer states that this is the ideal plaster as it draws the damp out and protects either side. They claim it's ideal for damp areas like basements and swimming pools.
Problem is it's £25 per M for materials, and have to allow 8 hours per coat. Scratch, float and set equals 3 days.

Got an insurance job for the back of a fitted wardrobe to do, no more than 5M2. Gonna be over £600, for less then 8 hours work (inc materials), so don't want to make a boo boo.

P.s come on Arsenal hi lewis you don't mention what the plaster is!!, um damp and continually submersed in water are two different thing's, you need to find out why it is damp, then fix this first before you re-instate the plaster
I did sugest to the client to investigate and remedy before I comence any work, as I was origanly planning to remove the plaster, dot'n'dab, then tape and joint in the same day. They aksed me to research waterproof plasters and I found one called izonil. They claim it can go over damp surfaces. If you look it up on google, there's an article about it being used in a cellar which had major damp and been left for something like 50 years.

But thanks for your queries. I shall have to double check with both client and manufactorer.
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