Welcome To The Plasterers Forum

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My Name is Danny I am a plasterer and have been for quite some time now. I have started this forum so people can come and ask questions about the industry.

If you have any problems ect just post them and I am sure some one here can help

Thanks again

Hey Danny,

My name is Craig, just found ur site.  
I am also a plasterer also do a fair bit of decorating too. So if u or anyone has any questions please dont hesitate to ask.
Hopefully I can help!

Hello Craig,

Welcome to the forum, If you have any questions just ask away. ;D ;D ;D


Hello guys! My name is Warren, been browsing the net for some advice on a bit of plastering. I have to say I am a bit of a DIY Enthusiast and if I can give things ago, ill give it my best shot! lol!

Ive recently had my garage converted and decided I will do all the plaster boarding and the plastering, can you give some tips on tools I will need and on any techniques I may need to know??

Cheers Warren.
Hello Warren,

Welcome to The PLasterers Forum,

Well you are certainly taking on a big task but it can easily be done, just take your time.

As far as tools are concearned you will need a fair bit of kit but you may already have a lot of it.

Are you going to be sticking the boards to the walls or are you going to be battoning the walls then screwing the boards?

I prefer to batton walls as this allows you to put insulation in like rockwall ect. But dot and Dab (sticking) is a lot  quicker.

Firstly you will be starting with the ceiling decide whether you will be using 6x3 boards or 8x4 The thickness of the board is ideally 12.5mm

When FIxing boards to joists remember to stagger them like you were layiong bricks. when screwing the bords about every 6 inches is normall good enough.

Oh yeah, make sure all joists are levelish and that they are free from rubbish like screws which I should think they should be.

Mark the joists the center would be good as this make sscrewing the boards easier.
If you have lights the eleccy cables need to come through I normally just use a drywall saw.

Thats abouut it for ceilings,

On your walls remeber every thing needs to be plumb and level and try and keep your boards off the floor by about 10mm.... I normally use an old peice of plasterboard.

Boarding is not hard remember to cut your holes for the socket boxes I hold the board to the wall and give it a kick... this leaves an impression and theall you do is cut it out....lol

when all your room is boarded let us know and we will advise you on your next step.

How big is the room? any windows in it?

The tools you will need for boarding are simply a stanly knife a straight edge (ruler or peice of wood) tape measure a drywall saw and if you are sticking the hawk trowel bucket trowel drywall adhesive ect

Easier to batton I think personally

Hope this helps. But there are more than one way to do this so if anybody else wants to add anything go ahead.


Thanks for that, think i've got my head round most of it!  
The size of the room is approx, 4.5m by 2.5m. I've got one window and a door.  
I intend to screw the plaster boards to batterns although this may take an inch or so off the room... mmm....maybe dot and dab?
Not sure yet ill have a think.
Probably make a start on it this weekend, (the wife's moaning about the mess!!)
(I didn't say that though!!)

Ill let you know how it all goes!  

Cheers again!!
dot and dab would probably take more space but that also depends on how thick you stick the muck on.

Battoning out is definiateluy the easier way seeing as you are new to this.

Have a go over the week end you have four days to get it done.

Hope this helps

Hello chaps,

Just read your last posts. I think Danny is right to battern out, you can, as he says, use rockwool to insulate the room. If you dot and dab the room will feel quite cold as all you'll have is brick walls and plaster boards, and of course plaster!

If I was to convert my garage this is the route I would go down and if a customer asked my opinion, I would advise batterning out.

Hope you get on alright this weekend!!

Hello guys,

Well, all seems to be ok so far.  I put all the battons up had to measure up a few times! Measure twice cut once and all that....still got it wrong a couple of times!!!  ;D

Got the plaster boards up, went for 12mm for the ceilings (fire regs etc) and 9mm on the walls. Now just got to think about the skimming! I hear this is the hardest part, so once again all advice it gratefully recieved!

Hello Warren,

Glad you have managed to get the boards up, are you happy with the way it went? What did you struggle with the most? I always struggle with lifting the damn things far to heavy for my liking.

Do you have the dimensions of the ceiling? is it just a straight squarish ceiling?

Hey Danny,

Yea im pleased with the way it all went, struggled with the 12mm boards putting them up onto the ceiling but saying that I use a couple of extendable props which made life a bit easier!

I was quite lucky with the ceiling being square...(ish)!

Just got to master the skimming. Not sure when i'm going to do that!

Danny said:

My Name is Danny I am a plasterer and have been for quite some time now. I have started this forum so people can come and ask questions about the industry.

If you have any problems ect just post them and I am sure some one here can help

Thanks again

danny told me he done this as an April fools joke but it was taken seriously lol
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