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its worth having your van sign written because if your outside someones house all day in a plain van the neighbours dont know what trade you do, if they see your a plasterer they might ask you or the customer for your number. websites are definately the way forward. dannys building me one at the minute and i've spoken to a few on here and they get quite a bit of work from their sites.
agree with you about the paper . i know you work all over render . do you still get local work , i suspose people can have a look at your work befor commiting to a call
yup websites are good.

they work a treat.... very cheap advertisin if you compare it to conventional methods

should i wait tho until ive got some decent photo s to put on . only just started taking them its the modern renders im intrested getting into in the future and possibly wet plastering inside to offer a tradiontial service for older properties as people seem to like the thought of rendered walls
get your website up and running and add photos as you go along. pictures arent the be all and end all. just a nice extra.
my view is don`t rely on web only to get work.i only got mine as it was only 240 notes.i`ve only had one inquery from it,no work in two years.i`m from a small town where all my work comes from repeat customers and builders,developers.they keep 3 of us going.i`m not convinced a web will keep you in business.there`s to many jokers out there working for probably works for systems,as his work is specialised render works.each to there own.
same here small town .repeat customers just got some work with a builder.there s too many working for eighty or less on privet work .but i think it might be worth a shot but who know s :)
hi mate

i dont want a website presently, was just curious as it looks great but expensive looking
Bobby is that a picture of you doing that ceiling in the top right picture?

There is a plasterer near me who has the exact same picture.
that's a i stock image.. but to be fair as far as websites go for trades its OK..maybe you need to market it better have it sitting on top more them when people search for a plasterer in your area they will not miss u.
no mate,it`s not me!ems done the be fair,i don`t need the website really,as i`m busy all the time.i`ve got a control to add photo`s but i don`t know to do it.
u need to have a good look at your key words.i think the site looks ok.just needs some good one way links and better key words.Danny could advise you with this better than me.
I get loads of work from my websites,in my mind only a fool wouldnt have one !!!.
Also Bobby i notcied that when i typed in plasterer barstaple only 2 plasterers came up in the first 2 pages the rest where rated thomson free index etc. so it would be very easy to get you there.
im no expert but have got 2 websites for general building and plastering very high on the first page of google for many key words /phrases etc.

Beg steel borrow and pay if neccassary for web links with value and releavance!!!!!.
Beg steel borrow and pay if neccassary for web links with value and releavance!!!!!

No need I have a perfect way of doing it check out working mans web domination.... works a treat and costs nothing to do!

A lot of my work comes from a website and those that say they dont get much, then tehre site needs looking at because the search term plasterer is searched for an absolute rake load.

Keywords are not the be all and end all of a site.... there are lots of different factors that come into play and lots of different processes you need to go through on teh launch of the site.

I can normally get a site ranking in less than a month but that takes a lot of my time up... and I rather do it slow and steady!

when you think that an advert in the yellow pages costs around £800 a year for a half decent ad and you might not even get 2 or 3 jobs from it and a website will only cost you around 400 once and a little bit of maintanace each year then I know which one i would spend the money on. I have decided not to even place and ad next year in the yellow pages.
Exactly simply!

I charge very little for sites to members on here but then thats because I dont need a great deal of wonga and it ties me over....

The maintenance of a site is very small and even my renewal charges are as low as they can be.....

People will turn to google before they go to the yellow pages!

The way I see it is if you build a site to showcase your work ie fill it with photos and even if it does not rank in google but is on your van and business cards you are already one up on the person who only has a yellow pages advert.

One job a year will pay for its self....

the way i see it now, if i want something ie washing machine repaired, i go straight to google and type in washing mashine repairs in coventry. i know alot of people do the same so like danny says you only need one job and its paid for itself. dannys doing me a site at the minute and hes talked me through every stage, put up with my constant questions, given me advice and let me have alot of input. you wont go wrong letting him do it for you. and best of all he does it completely free

ok that last bit might be a lie but its near enough! ;D
bobby said:
web ad is anybody thinks there could be inprovments,let me know.cheers.

You have Barnstaple spelt with a small B on the first line of your home page, some people get really weird about spelling mistakes.

Good spelling and grammar go towards the overall profesional look of a website.

Apart from that its sound ( I didnt check every page for spelling by the way)
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