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New Member
ive been offered a website for£150 which will be a 4 page site, i was thinking of putting before n after pics on, my details n so on etc, has a website worked for any1 on here n worth the money or not??
Hello Mark,

£150 is a good price, however you will need to look and see if 4 pages is enough and how well teh site will be designed and if it will rank naturally in teh search engines or not.

You need to also think about the image your site gives a well design professional site will give just that impression one that is not will give just that impression.

Do it, websites are the way forward.

Think about it...where did you just ask this question? was on the internet!

Danny will do you one for £250 with some good SEO on top, if you get just 2 jobs off it it has paid for its self

I have PM'd those that asked ect

as with vista £7.12 x 24 (months) £170.88 and you got a poo ad filled site that will struggle to rank.

What I charge is tooooo cheap, any designer can knock a site up however I dont see myself as a designer but I am well respected in the world of search marketing (big headed sorry) its just that I can design sites.

I dont design my own logos or headers anymore I outsource to a designer it gets better results and is not that expensive. (yes a cost on top of the site but worth every penny)

Remember your site could be the first thing a customer sees, this is your chance to grab their attention and make them want you...

I have a bit of a passion for marketing and brand awareness ...sorry

nelly said:
Do it, websites are the way forward.

Think about it...where did you just ask this question? was on the internet!

Danny will do you one for £250 with some good SEO on top, if you get just 2 jobs off it it has paid for its self
Whats an SEO?
You dont know what an SEO is Bruce???!!!

Crikey you need to catch up with the times.

Tell him what a SEO is Nelly...
islandview said:
You dont know what an SEO is Bruce???!!!

Crikey you need to catch up with the times.

Tell him what a SEO is Nelly...
Bet you didnt know either!
Look I only got a laptop 2 yrs ago!

trust me not many people know it

I do online meetings (webinars) and we talk PPC, SEM, CPA, SEO, SERP, Tweet,

lol all geek nonsense

I dont know about geek but it is more like Greek to me! It took me less time to pick up bits of the Japanese language!
Im not very high tech at all as Steve likes to point out!
Render Systems said:
Use danny mate if i could afford him i would as need 2 sites doing now

IF you could afford him.. :P

and bruce, its not your fault mate, you've been concentrating on your acting career for the last 20 years, no wonder you havent got a clue what bluetooh, ipods and dab radios are...
lol Render must be a bit like me I have a portfolio of over 60 websites

Its an addiction!

depends really

If you showcase your site on business cards and on teh side of your van then it could be asap.

If you are just relying on search engines then it could be any number of things.

You need to look at the competion for the first page of google results and see what you need to do to knock them off the top spot..... then do it!

Some of my sites rank just on good design and naturally (which is good) but some site take a lot of work to get them on the first page of google and then to keep them there you still have to do some work every single month.

I spend the first few hours of every day looking at my sites statistics and seeing whats dropping in searches and what needs to be done ect. Sometimes its just a change of focus or simple more linking.

On my competitive sites like diets and money where you have companies throwing 1000's a month at my competitors it gets tough and can be a waste of time and effort. With those sites I leave them for a few years and just let teh domain name age then get back on it and on my recent efforts I have fund that I get good rankings.

Remember everybody wants first page listings so you need to compete with them.... and that is an on going job.

Sorry waffling on a bit


PS so to answer Bruce .... you can never tell!!
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