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whats with the blog on your site viva,who gives a monkeys what your average plasterer gets up to.
no one does ...noone cares one toss but this is where danny and myself looks like disagree the blog is the most important part of your site ...the more content about plastering the better,content goes stagnant after time constantly updating it with new fresh stories about plastering (or any subject) creating blog posts about specific repairs or problems you have had yada yada .....simply creates more searchable text for google,searchable titles and hence more likely for punters to find your site ........they wont read it or very few would anyways ....but if they are looking for a "plasterer in Derby" you now have a better chance to rank for specific search terms ....create the search terms in your blog posts,if you eventually have hundreds of blog posts about plastering plaster repair only stands to reason that the content of the posts becomes foddeer for google.
Now all this is not to say you go and create a bunch of s**t is smarter then that ...content is king and your blog adds content to your site hands down fact.
can you do it with out a blog ...most certainly,its just easier with a blog..
My website/blog for this year alone has me doing almost $700,000.00 worth of work,all of it because of the text inside my blog posts and the designers finding my site
""not planning on giving a diary of my day to day life, ill be adding tips and tutorials for the masses, more content and more options for people to link to me with

If you post something worthwhile people will share it, giving your site more authority..... """
100% accurate,problem is you will find very few backlinks get created for your plastering site,but your intent is there and the thoughts are correct ,its all about authority