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New Member
I see websites have been a hot topic of conversation last few posts.
I've had my site live for about 4 weeks and have not had many hits, if any. Not even google knows about my site.
Does anyone know how to get more hits.
I advertise on all the major free directories and a few smaller ones but the site is still not getting the coverage I thought it would. Any tips and slagging off would be most welcome
when i clicked on the picture...... i thought i was gona get a bigger image with out the pattern around the edge. but i got exactly the same photo.
Great looking site mate.
Reagrds the questions about google not finding it.
It can take 6 months or more untill google list your website fully,every 4-6 weeks googlebot crawls the web looking for new webpages to add to the directory(it finds these new pages by web links).
(not every site will be added) no matter how well its made or appears.
Once your site has been crawled google will index it (make note of it ) if you like and then during the next big update usually 6 months apart you will be page ranked and indexed in the google search in the same boat as you,just get busness cards and leaflets newspaper adds all with your site details on before you no it emails will be forthcoming.
There is a lot more to it then i have mentioned but kept it simple to understand,below is a weblink to get ur site listed direct to google.

you can do the same with msn and yahoo but it pointless becuse once google got ya they seem to follow.
Try to get in the Dmoz directory this is the most important directory on the internet
Register urself on googlemaps, then you put about 20 things to do with plastering in a box like plasterer, plastering,rendering,drylining,coving etc etc then when joe bloggs types in ''plasterer in rugby'' for instance, urself and all the other plasterers in the area pop up on a map with a link to ur website. Hope this helps abit, I had over 5500 hits in the first month of going live.
i spent £1000 on my'n i designed it and some one put it 2gether. robbed hey. and now I'm paying 2 get it rearranged!
oasis said:
i spent £1000 on my'n i designed it and some one put it 2gether. robbed hey. and now I'm paying 2 get it rearranged!
wow, i paid 250 for my first site inc domain and hosting, paid nothing for my second site , still kneeds a bit of work and grammar, spelling sorting out but i'm gettin close, all this techy stuff is new to me , but my name appears 2 or 3 times on the first page for plasterer Doncaster or rendering Doncaster, and i only started on it 2 weeks ago and workin on and off on it hour or two here and there, seing as every one else is postin their web addy here goes, be kind boy's not too good with the technical stuff
skimmin2day said:
Great looking site mate.
Reagrds the questions about google not finding it.
It can take 6 months or more untill google list your website fully,every 4-6 weeks googlebot crawls the web looking for new webpages to add to the directory(it finds these new pages by web links).
(not every site will be added) no matter how well its made or appears.
Once your site has been crawled google will index it (make note of it ) if you like and then during the next big update usually 6 months apart you will be page ranked and indexed in the google search in the same boat as you,just get busness cards and leaflets newspaper adds all with your site details on before you no it emails will be forthcoming.
There is a lot more to it then i have mentioned but kept it simple to understand,below is a weblink to get ur site listed direct to google.

you can do the same with msn and yahoo but it pointless becuse once google got ya they seem to follow.
Try to get in the Dmoz directory this is the most important directory on the internet

ermmm that is not completly true.

I get my new sites indexed within a few days and page rank does not mean shite.

I spend my life building sites and getting them ranked in google I am seen as a bit of a guru (not my words)

Keep a site in the top of the search engines is hard but when you know what to do it is not rocket science.

I have sites in really competitive markets yet I aways manage to get them ranked in the search engines normally on the first page!

Thanks for that info heafy and danny, I've just listed on google maps. So danny what's your secret to getting on the first pages then??? Or is that pretty technical.
I got one of my mates in South Africa to build the site cost about 250, paid about 6 quid to buy the domain and free for 2 years. I don't have a clue on in and outs of web site management so he'll do all the work from S.A. like adding on new images and fine tunning.

For anybody that wants a site I do them for £250 with a domain name and 2 years hosting all included.

I just know what search engines are looking for and build a site around keywords and I have a lot of tools that ensure I get the best results.

I have spent the thickend of 10 years working online and so it pretty tough to sum up exactly what I do.

Well guys you have some really good looking websites and my son is going to get a kick up the arse to get mine sorted as it just doesn't even come close to most of yours :'( I particularly liked Warriors, had a real slick professional feel about it.
essexandy said:
Well guys you have some really good looking websites and my son is going to get a kick up the arse to get mine sorted as it just doesn't even come close to most of yours :'( I particularly liked Warriors, had a real slick professional feel about it.
Thaat's meee ;D ;D ;D
are you boys getting work from your sites? if you are , i'll have a word with danny, don't want to get left behind!
Pug I don't know of a single job I've won because of my website but neither do I know of a single job I've lost because of it (mind you that may be because of my site), but for how little it costs you don't have much to loose do you? I think I pay £76 a year.
warriorupnorth said:
simplybesty said:
paul, health and safty will be after you mate, no ppe on scafold and aso using a hopup. ;D ;D
Wondered when someone would pick up on it :-[

also no mention of lord and downing ;) s**t i just mentioned them more free advertising lol
As everyone is reviewing everyone's website, i wonder if you would give me some pointer's on mine. kind of new to the forum only made a couple of posts but i been real busy for the past few months touring Australia only got back a couple of weeks ago since then work not been to bad but had a long weekend this week and decided to try and design a website for a domain i bought years ago so let me know what you think fellas
ya need sum pic on there.. pic of your self work well "people love people!" except round are way people hate people and rob anythink that ent bolted down!
Pug said:
are you boys getting work from your sites? if you are , i'll have a word with danny, don't want to get left behind!

pug I have had loads off mine, also most customers say how they chose me because when I gave them a quote and gave them my bus card they had a look at my website after i had left and it looked professional
oasis said:
ya need sum pic on there.. pic of your self work well "people love people!" except round are way people hate people and rob anythink that ent bolted down!
;D ;D ;D.......and youre in spitting distance of 2 million pound houses ..cheltenham where variety counts ;D
im working on the pic's mate just got myself a big fancy dslr camera so im going to be snapping away and just working on the site for a few minutes every night i find it easier that way rather than staring at the screen for hours on end. how you all doing for work anyways, im in preston and got bits and bats of sight work but at rubbish price's and my work load from private work is only just picking up had 10,000 leaflets printed the other week but only delivered 1500 so far had four calls from that many how does that sound to you lads?
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