WBA or Bondit types?

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I've got an artex ceiling to do next week and I've got the massive bonus of being able to get in the day before to do my prep, this being the case I was going to get some WBA or bondit type stuff, I dont have it in my local builders merchant, I have others like B&Q or travis perkins, can someone give me an idea of where to go and what to look for?
And any tips or pointers in its use wouldn't go amiss either!!! ;D
wickes mate...
dont get it on anything you dont want it on... it wont come off again...
let it dry overnight...
use board finish...
travis do gypbond mate its the same as wba but it costs nearly 50 quid a tub that'll cover 30 sqm ............you could just pva it if you do it the day before it'll seal the artex and give it a coat before you skim it 2/1 should be alright
travis do gypbond mate its the same as wba but it costs nearly 50 quid a tub

I thought that all plasterers were tight!!! Who's going to pay for that?

I knew it was in wickes but i haven't got one very close to me, (well 18 miles but the price of petrol and all that ;))

How much is it in wickes?
nickseys right though, if you cant get hold of any and its not massive or loose or anything just use pva...
travis do gypbond mate its the same as wba but it costs nearly 50 quid a tub

I thought that all plasterers were tight!!! Who's going to pay for that?

I knew it was in wickes but i haven't got one very close to me, (well 18 miles but the price of petrol and all that ;))

How much is it in wickes?
the customer ;D............give them the choice mate but tell them the ceilings more likely to fall down if you use pva
nickseys right though, if you cant get hold of any and its not massive or loose or anything just use pva...

That'll do me I suppose, so what ratios do you mix it? Is there anything that I sould look out for, I really have no idea with this stuff!!! Is it true it will give me extra time before the plaster goes off?
if your not doing the walls just pva it the day b4 and again in the morning, there is no reason why you need to use wba or bondit, in a year i would maybe need to use bondit twice at most, PVA its easier its cheaper and most importantly it does the job.
i take it this is your first artex ceiling? youve never used pva? so youve never done an overskim?
depends on the background mate... artex ceilings are an artform in themselves, its all about suction control...
if its not painted, or white matt paint, scrape the highspots off with a floor scraper (20 minutes dont go too mad), give it a wet pva (maybe 5:1) thatll dry real quick, then give it another maybe 2:1, let it go tacky then hit it, make your first coat thick in the mix, that way it'll go on the ceiling nice and thick, make sure you cover ALL the artex with your first coat...
let it pull in, flatten it and top as normal...
if its real thick dodgy artex you might wanna bond it out a bit first, or three coat skim it...
if its silk painted you really wanna be using wba if your inexperienced with regard to overskimming...
i take it this is your first artex ceiling? youve never used pva? so youve never done an overskim?

Yeah this is my first full artex ceiling, done a few patches, i've used PVA quites a bit but never WBA.
dont mix it with anything mate, give the tub a bloody good shake before you tip it in your tray and just roll it on the ceiling, its got a grit in it which gives you the key, its gotta be mixed in like you would paint..
there will be no suction from the ceiling as it completly seals it so you will have all the time it takes fot the plaster to go. Depend on the heat of the day/room etc.
Knock the heads off the artex/tape up around walls (it dont come off easy) then wba, leave overnight and skim away
more than likely which believe it or not can sometimes be a bad thing, let the first coat go spongey mate flatten it before you put youre second coat on and trowel it up like normal
;D ......................................or pi*s in the skimming 8-) .............use gloves to trowel up ;)
hello mate it wont make any difference at all to the finish ;) .......board finish might go off a tad quicker
ever skimmed a wall with multi where the pva took ages to dry, too long in fact and the multi didnt seem to go of right? maybe you ended up with ripples that were dificult to get rid off? thats cos you used multi and not board finish...
I've prepared the artex ceiling today in readiness to turn up and hammer it tomorrow morning, I've only managed to get one coat of WBA on, this this ok? Had to do my best to make it stretch to both ceilings, it looked like I had loads (bought two tubs) at one point and I almost ran short towards the end, i'm a little worried that its not on thick enough in some parts, the ceiling is all coloured pink but some parts aren't as concentrated as others. Do you think I should be ok?
Whilst I'm talking about it, how messy is it when applying with a roller!!!!! I'm not sure if I had the wrong type of roller on the end or what but it was spraying everywhere. I was covered by the end, I agree much quicker than a brush but much more messy.
dont panic mate when it's set it'll do the job , ive never used wba only gypbondit and if its a decent amount i pour the gypbond into a skimming bucket plus 5 litres of pva and 5 litres of water, its easier to roll and goes alot further and ive had no probs ........................as yet ::)
if it's alot of work you'd need to do a test room first though so you know it will control the suction i.e lime backgrounds etc
alternatavely just water it down a bit to help it roll ........won't stop it flicking everywhere though horrible aint it !
iv been told by an old plasterer, if on a shiney surface silk, gloss type of thing, when you pva it chuck a hand full of sand it which gives the key.true or a load of boll--ks :-?
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