wavey plaster?

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New Member
iv been called back 2 a job cuz the plaster has a wavey effect on the 1 wall ..only in the light? he is beein fussy but it is wavey..do u lot think i should just skim over it again 2 sort it?
was on a nice flat board ..that had been skimed years ago...the waves realy ent that bad dnt fink u can even feel them ..u can only see them in the light...
..u can only see them in the light...

You've answered one of the ways to avoid this, always try to put more light on the surface (when trowelling up), than it will receive under normal conditions.

Sounds like a bit you got to too late, or was it smaller ripples from trowel not having a splash of water.
sometimes when i do walls which has quite a strong side light shining down it. usualy the wall on the stairs. i trowel the hell out of it to ensure its not wavey. also use lights
i think i get it more when my first coat is reali thick...i do that if i wanna go home on time!
maybe next time i will just add a cold coffe 2 the mix
or put the second coat on to soon,especially if you are putting a thick first coat on you should trowel that nice and flat and not put the second coat on to soon ,if you do all that you will do is start moving both coats around at the same time and end up with this waveyness,do i talk from experience or do bears lick there A.S.S after having a poo in the woods
I once put multi on to a thickness of about 6mm in places instead of dubbing out first. It wasnt a pretty site, had to re-skim that, learnt the hard way with that one, never happened again.
bears sh*t in the woods dirty barstuards i always lick my own ass
i had a job today mate by the book and had ripples were only as good as our last job .......just hope we do more good ones than bad ones :D
This is what happens when you are rushing to finish and get on the next job but it slows you down in the end give it a reskim and a box of chocolates for his wife and a bottle of fine wine for him and refund him part of the money he gave you and apologise and then leave get rid of the van and tools and give up.

it happens mate just give it a reskim. :)
you should trowel it as soon as second coat goes on using no water helps get it flatter any thick bits scour with float
i think it was an old ceiling i skimed for a friend of a friend, said it was wavey.. i think it went off on me 2 fast so maybe dint get it how i wanted it, (french word) nos who cares :-)
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