Wattle & Daub

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Hi there! Replaced some old wattle & daub pannels for the first time last week, went well, however im not sure I used the right lime - anyone help? I used 1 part NHL 3.5 to 4 parts sharp sand. The end result looks mint - just need to make sure that the lime used is correct as I have more pannels to replace. can anyone help me on this one?
Re: Wattle & Duab

are you sure its wattle and daub and not just a lime render? wattle and daub is soil, clay, straw, sand and dung, no lime involved.
Re: Wattle & Duab

Yes, just like lime render but straight onto wattle - have read about NHL & says that it can be used for conservation work, Im just not sure ive chosen the right one as you can get 2 - 3.5 and 5 (strengths) I went for 3.5 as the "intermediate" just to mention that not all daub is just clay & mud it can also be lime sand crushed brick dust (of a sort) this particular black & white im working on originally had lime which is why I chose lime rather than clay etc etc.
Cheers G
Re: Wattle & Duab

fair enough, although to my mind (and i might just be arguing semantics here) if the mix has no soil or dung and has lime it's not strickly daub but render. however, the diferent strengths are used dependent on the situation, the weakest would be for internal work and sheltered areas, the strongest is for wals that get alot of adverse weather on them, so going for the intermediate is probably fine.
Re: Wattle & Duab

Cheers Pug, just found a brilliant website www.buildingconservation.com article by Ian Pritchett
Just to mention, the pannels are on the gable ends where my freind (a thatcher) removed old thatch and the old duab fell out. I "re-worked" the old duab and put it back in, then used the 3.5NHL to top it as I felt this end of the house "felt the weather" most of all. seems to have dried ok (had to go back a couple of times to make sure it wasnt shrinking/cracking too much) - got over this by applying a spray of water and reworking with float. now the thatch is back on it looks like its been there 300 years (which is great as you dont have to get everything looking perfect)
Re: Wattle & Duab

What a refreshing change to read something of interest, rather than the usual drivel "what's the best trowel" or can "i skim my first coat with the same gear as my second " or something along those lines ;)
Re: Wattle & Duab

garret. if you ever need to be sure of the exact ratio or lime to sand on certain jobs always worth taking a sample and sending it to one of the companys like mike wye they will free of charge do the test on the old material and give you the exact spec enabling you to match with like for like.no issues then with strengh of mix on weaker substrate.
Re: Wattle & Duab

all this lime work sounds gr8.. so intresting but so not D.I.Y! leave it 2 the lime men hey!
Re: Wattle & Duab

Thanks Jeda, ill look that up, If I could get this work full time I would - Its geat, no stress, get to work with an amazing thatcher (fascinating to watch) and the end result gives you loads of satisfaction. I'll upload some pictures when I get time.
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