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Just rendered a large wall (s&c) consisting of 8 big panels one being a 4.5 M radius both sides. Have always used feb waterproofer and never had any probs, but couldn't get any so used Jewsons own which hasn't held of the top coat, the pannels havn't taken very well in some areas and blown im putting it down to the change in waterproofer as never had this problem before. (Scratch 3:1 Waterproofer / Top 5:1:1) If this is the case whats the best product to be using ???
Got another large job comming up cant afford to be caught out again.

Regards Mush
Hi mush9, what were you rendering onto and what do you use to make the key? what has blown top coat or scratch coat ? does it sound hollow when tapping it ?
Alright Church

The render went onto block work, and was scratched up with a comb horizontaly and is sound all over.Its the top coat thats blown and sounds hollow in patches a bit like large bubbles,never had it before so a bit baffled. the suns also on it all morn and cooked it a bit i think, still should have held off longer than it did.
Rich, I was always taught to put on a mega green scratch 3:1 how-ever always open to change what ratio do you put it on at ??
Sounds like it could be air pockets in the top coat , what size areas are blown small or large? if it is just the top coat thats blown , if both coats are blown id say the scratch mix was a bit to strong , they werent lightweight blocks by any chance ?
Brickies do me tits in when they build a wall in concrete block, they always seem to flush point it so in effect you have a large concrete panel ,wish to christ they would make them rake the joints out a bit when they build them, had a few arse aches in the past, always rend aid first now though
Cant be air that size mate ??? now youve got me if it just the top coat thats blown , are you hacking it off ?
I was always taught to use a 4-1 or 5-1 scratch so its not so strong.

As for the top coat I cant think why it would blow in patches, dust on the scratch ??? not mixed properly ???


did you add the waterproofer to the waterbutt or to the mixer as you knocked up? waterproofer going in at different ratios can cause headaches
Cheers for that one Rich will bear it in mind.
Church all got to be hacked off and re-spread. :'(
Pug knocked the waterproofer up in a water butt then into the mixer as a job lot.

Ocr new to me just looked it up under Weber.

Is it rubbed up with a float the same way as S&C ??

Give us some more info mate if you can cheers pal.
mush, it also might have something to do with the scratch being 3.1 and the top coat 5.1, two very differences of hardness, also the weather can play its part in it, scratch coat not dry, then top coat dries quicker, this can cause this type of problem.
MUSH 9 said:

Ocr new to me just looked it up under Weber.

Is it rubbed up with a float the same way as S&C ??

Give us some more info mate if you can cheers pal.
Just mix it with clean water in half cut barrels, (or a mixer if you prefer) finish the same as flat mortar render with float and sponge, 1 bag approx per M2,its batch mixed so its all the same colour and strength, all the additives are already in the powder
what happens when you wanna stronger scratch and a weaker float with the same bagged stuff? or do they do different strengths for different applications?
i just looked it up on webers site mate. ocr stands for one coat render. how much is it jetman?
It comes in four different grades, 1 to 3 for different exposures and lime free for tiling. If you was going to put a backing on first just use rend aid then top with ocr
just done some quick sums, reckon its 60% more expensive than s+c, guessing its quicker, but is it worth it?
how thick does it go on?
do u have to coat in sbr and key it before skimming??
do u have to prep the walls with anything before applying it? e.g breeze blocks.?

Would tilers be ok tiling onto it?
christ bet you gotta be fast with the rule..
great stuff though.. goin in favourites for future ref that one..
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